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[Opinions] Re: Common names
I love "common" names. Nowadays they are so refreshing because of how hard parents are trying to make their kids unique. My favorite name for a boy is John and my favorite name for a girl is Sarah Lauren.
When it comes to unique names, I really really dislike them on boys (I don't know why). Not a fan on girls either, but it feels a bit better.
There are a few unique names that I do enjoy on girls, such as Cheyenne, Hunter, Merande, Aubree, Hayes, Hadasa... But still out of all of those I would rather just name my daughter Elizabeth- I've lived with a unique name, it's such a hassle for nothing. Not every conversation with a person I just met needs to be about my name, and spelling it out 1000 times gets old.


I'd name my daughter Halyna or Svitlana or Ulyana, or maybe Nadiya. (these are all very normal names where I live)Elizabeth is a nice name for a person in the Anglosphere :)
Halyna and Nadiya are sweet.
And yes I agree! In my opinion Elizabeth is the best name to have.