[Opinions] Re: Common names
in reply to a message by Anya Mel’nik or Mel’nyk
I love "common" names. Nowadays they are so refreshing because of how hard parents are trying to make their kids unique. My favorite name for a boy is John and my favorite name for a girl is Sarah Lauren.
When it comes to unique names, I really really dislike them on boys (I don't know why). Not a fan on girls either, but it feels a bit better.
There are a few unique names that I do enjoy on girls, such as Cheyenne, Hunter, Merande, Aubree, Hayes, Hadasa... But still out of all of those I would rather just name my daughter Elizabeth- I've lived with a unique name, it's such a hassle for nothing. Not every conversation with a person I just met needs to be about my name, and spelling it out 1000 times gets old.
When it comes to unique names, I really really dislike them on boys (I don't know why). Not a fan on girls either, but it feels a bit better.
There are a few unique names that I do enjoy on girls, such as Cheyenne, Hunter, Merande, Aubree, Hayes, Hadasa... But still out of all of those I would rather just name my daughter Elizabeth- I've lived with a unique name, it's such a hassle for nothing. Not every conversation with a person I just met needs to be about my name, and spelling it out 1000 times gets old.