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[Opinions] Re: Common names
It depends really. Some more common names I like, some I don't. I also have more unique and rare names on my list. It admit it's totally arbitrary. As for naming my child a common name, I mean, maybe I would if it's the name my spouse and I really love. Maybe I'm influenced by the fact my husband and I have really opposite taste in names, so if the more common name that I love is the middle ground, than so be it. If I was alone in naming my child, I think I would go for the middle ground. A name that is unique and different but not too strange nor too bizarre so the kid would be teased or picked on. I actually read an article that says a lot of name trends start that way. Parents look for names they have not heard much growing up, but that are still existing names. In the end, I know it sounds selfish, but if two partners agree on a name they really enjoy, that is what is most important in my book. Be it common, or not.Don't hesitate to rate my different PNLs:

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