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[Games] Re: CAF Generation (with decade-accurate names)
in reply to a message by Kielo
DW [1937]: Beatrice "Bea" Geraldine [Martell]
DH [1934], dec.]: Roy Stephen Rowntree DS [1959]: Gregory "Greg" Roy Rowntree
DD [1961]: Glenda Beatrice [Rowntree] Atwood
DS [1964]: Aaron Martell Rowntree ***DS [1959]: Gregory "Greg" Roy Rowntree
DW [1961]: Felicia Shelley Jeanette [Churchill] Rowntree DD [1986]: Chelsea Kathryn Cassandra [Rowntree] Mateos
-DH [1988]: Javier "Javi" Ricardo Mateos
-DD [2010]: Zoey Jasmin Mateos
-DS [2013]: Damian Maxwell Mateos DD [1988]: Amber Kristina Jasmine [Rowntree] Causey
-DH [1988]: Jermaine Fredrick Causey DS [1989]: Colin Wesley Jordan Wyman Rowntree
-DH [1986]: Jonathan Troy Rowntree Wyman
-DAS [2023]: Bentley Jonah Wyman-Rowntree DD [1993]: Melissa Lindsay Cheyenne [Rowntree] Yu
-DxBF [1992]: Blake Dillon Fermi
--DD [2010]: Lila Summer Fermi
-DH [1989]: Xinyi "Win" Edwin Yu
--DD [2020]: Genevieve Shufen Yu
--DS [2023]: Jasper Xinyi Yu
--DD [2025]: Violet Xuiying Yu DS [1997]: Adrian Lucas Gregory Rowntree ***DD [1961]: Glenda Beatrice [Rowntree] Atwood
DxH [1955]: Norman Frederick Friis DD [1984]: Meagan Beatrice [Friis] Salmi
-DH [1983]: Daniel Petteri Joonas Salmi
-DS [2015]: Oliver Viljami Jonathan Salmi
-DS [2018]: Evan Eemeli Kasper Salmi DD [1986]: Ashley Glenda Friis DS [1987]: Travis Frederick Friis
-DW [1990]: Erin Marie [Lloyd] Friis
-DS//DD [2023]: Titus Frederick Friis / Francesca Marie Friis DH [1969]: Tremaine Ralph Atwood DD [2000]: Camilla "Mills" Journey Atwood
-DGF[2001]: Noelie Raphaelle Fontaine ***DS[1964]: Aaron Martell Rowntree
DW [1975]: Marisol Cristina Travieso Santana DS [2004]: Keaton Reynaldo Rowntree Travieso
-DGF [2004]: Cecelia Xiomara Méndez
-DS [2024]: Kinsley Valentine Rowntree MéndezDS [2008]: Damion Ignacio Rowntree Travieso
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DW [1937]: Beatrice Evelyn (nee. Franklyn) Rowntree
DH [1934], dec.]: Henry Stephen Rowntree DS [1959]: Gregory Henry
DD [1961]: Michelle Beatrice
DS [1964]: Aaron Franklyn ***
DS [1959]: Gregory Henry Rowntree
DW [1961]: Alice Charlotte (nee. Godfrey) Rowntree *
-DD [1986]: Bethany Anne (nee. Rowntree) Mateos
--DH [1988]: Javier Luis Mateos ---DD [2010]: Diana Alice
---DS [2013]: George Alejandro*
-DD [1988]: Amy Jillian Rowntree
--DH [1988]: Frederick Ross Lindsey *
-DS [1989]: Colin William Rowntree
--DH [1986]: Jonathan Michael Wyman ---DAS [2023]: Jonah Milo *
-DD [1993]: Madeline Kimberly Rowntree
--DxBF [1992]: Tanner Dillon Kiefer ---DD [2010]: Lila Summer --DH [1989]: Jianhong Wei "James" ---DD [2020]: Ada Haoyu

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