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[Opinions] Re: Lee-Lee
Sounds a lot like Lily, but infantile and insubstantial. I would only advise it as a casual / occasional nickname, among family and close friends. I love the name Lydia and have considered calling a Lydia "Leelee" from time to time.This actress's name is very interesting! Liliane is lovely. Rudabet is fascinating, I've never heard it before. Gloria is dated but works in a combo. Elsveta looks like Elspeth meets Elizaveta. The name as a whole flows nicely. I'd love to know where all the names are from / what the inspiration was. Leelee Sobieski's last name looks Polish or similar.LISTEN TO THE MUSTN'TS
- Shel SilversteinListen to the MUSTN'TS, child,
Listen to the DON'TS
Listen to the SHOULDN'TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me—
Anything can happen, child,
ANYTHING can be.

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