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[Opinions] Re: Opinions on the name Juliet Cecilia?
That is a beautiful combination. I'm turning 43 and I've loved the name Juliet since I was 6. It doesn't seem like a "trendy" name to me at all. Cecilia has been in use for like 400 years. More importantly, you are choosing these names because they have personal meaning to you. You're not going to "get bored" of them, because the reasons you chose them will always be there. People telling you they're "trendy" either don't understand, or don't respect the personal significance these names hold for you, in which case their opinions aren't worth a whole lot. Believe me, people will *look* for reasons to shoot down a name. I have no idea why humans are like this, but I've found that the first response when sharing a child's prospective name is to find fault. The closer the person is to you the more hurtful the criticism tends to be. I haven't told a single person close to me my twins' names. The people I have told - strangers I've commissioned to make some special keepsakes with their names on them from Spain to California - have been nothing but complimentary. Some really good naming advice I read somewhere is to fold over 1/3 of a piece of paper and write the name on the folded section; on the other 2/3, write down one or two sentences an 8-year-old child might use to explain the origin of their name to a classmate. I've found that little exercise really helps to drown out the noise.

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