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[Opinions] Re: 10 kids in 10 years, 9 boys and 1 girl . How do you like their names? What would you name this sibset scenario?
Honestly, this scenario would stress me (I mean naming wise outside of the obvious logistics) because my favorite boy names tend to be A names that are all somewhat similar in style and sound, so it would take great effort to not mush too much similarity into the lineup. With this in mind, today I will say: Adrian
Sebastian "Bastian"
Daphne - in my head she & Duncan are the twins
EdmundI feel like Daphne is relatively simple but hyper feminine to have her both blend in and stand out as the only girl of the lineupPlease rate my "Names I would Use" list & "Backup Favorites" list. Feel free to rate some of my other lists too if you have the time.

This message was edited 2/23/2025, 7:22 PM

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