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[Games] The Glenn Family!
The Glenn FamilyH: Bryan Stuart Glenn
W: Briallen Loveday Easton-GlennD1: Adalyn Emmanuelle (Glenn) Warren
S1: Cai Lazarus Glenn
S2: Elias Alasdair Glenn, "Eli"
D2: Joelle Felicity (Glenn) Edson, "Jo"
S3: Scott Wulfric Glenn
D3: Jane Leocadia Glenn
______D1: Adalyn
H: Caleb Elliot WarrenD1: Selena Ivy Warren
D2: Bianca Marie Warren
D3: Olivia Madeleine Warren, "Livvy"
S1: Milo Raphael Warren
S2: Roman Alexander Warren
______S1: Cai
W: Ava Miray (Medina) WarrenS1: Xavier Ferdinand Warren Medina
D1: Joanna Isabella Warren Medina
D2: Rebecca Marlene Warren Medina
D3: Daphne Nova Warren Medina
S2: Lennox Hanno Warren Medina

______S2: Eli
______D2: Jo
H: Eric Nathanael EdsonS: Levi Joel Edson
D1: Isabel Monique Edson
D2: Diana Cassia Edson
D3: Camille Ingrid Edson***Please rate my personal name"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan
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