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[Games] Small Follow the rules CAF
Mom: FN: mythological MN: Lauren, Madison, Meghan, Nicole or Taylor LN: hyphenatedSon: FN: in the current top 300 US boys' name MN: mythological LN: Mom's nameCat: city/town name, like Atlanta, Boston, Denver, Paris, Tallahassee, etc.Father: FN: common first name MN: one-syllable LN: completely separate for mother's nameOptional Expecting: name that goes with brother's LN: Mom's name
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DH(29): Theodore Coy Fisher "Theo"
DW(25): Calliope Nicole Hanson-King "Callie"DS(3): Ryder Adonis Hanson-King
DS(exp): River Apollo Hanson-KingCat(6): Chicago
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DH - John Mark LongDW - Athena Lauren Harden-Reilly DS - Caleb Phoenix Harden-ReillyCat - MilanExpecting - Carter Linus Harden-Reilly
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DW: Demeter Nicole Jenkins-Law
DH: David John RichardsonDS: Julian Apollo Jenkins-Law
DD (exp): Camila Artemis Jenkins-LawCat: Berlin
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DW: Indira Nicole Mishra-Price
DH: Christopher Jett “CJ” DahlDS: Asher Rama Mishra-Price
DC (expecting): Harper Aruna Mishra-PriceCat: Cheshire
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DW: Athena Madison Teller-May
DH: Henry Finn MarsdenDS: Jack Perseus Teller-May
Dexpecting: Finn Achilles Teller-MayCat: Montgomery
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Mom: Vesta Lauren Hughes-TaylorSon: Maddox Apollo "Max" Hughes-TaylorCat: CairoFather: William Vaughn "Vaughn" McNamara, IIIExpecting: Ivy Diana Hughes-Taylor
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Mom: Alexandra Meghan Ball-Bennett
Son: Theodore Leander Ball-Bennett
Cat: Henderson Ball-Bennett
Father: James Luke Anson
Expecting: Sebastian Ball-Bennett
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DW: Dido Nicole McBeal-Lowry
DH: Michael Dean AtkinsDS: Archer "Archie" Neptune McBeal-Lowry
DD [exp]: Bowie Cassiopeia McBeal-LowryCat: Palermo
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