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[Games] New York NTNB Round 9
2020:DH (68): Alessandro Edmund “Alex” Nervetti (Wordsmith)
DW (65): Suzanne Marguerite Dumas (Rowena)DD (39): Antonia Mercedes Nervetti (Wordsmith)
-DH (41): Marcus John Wolf (ari.)
-DD (17): Sarah Ravenna Nervetti-Wolf (cher529s)
-DS (15): Alessandro Elliott “Sandro” Nervetti-Wolf (Rowena)
-DS (12): Lucas Antonio Nervetti-Wolf (ari.)
-DD (9): Lilah Juno Nervetti-Wolf (molly)DS (36): Nico Francesco Nervetti (Princess_Shireen)
-DW (35): Summer Ruby Hamilton (jessica_p)
-DS (10): Jack Oscar Nervetti (cher529s)
-DD (8): Colette Maple Nervetti (Wordsmith)
-DD (5): Iris Courtney Nervetti (Rowena)
-DD (1):DD (32): Rosalie Carmela Nervetti (jessica_p)
-DW (32): Marta Florência Delgado-Cabral (Rowena)
-DAS (3):DS (30): Claude Triton Nervetti (Rowena)
-DGF (31): Daphne Juliet Rose (ari.)
-DS (2):DD (27): Marie Letizia Nervetti (molly)
-DxBF (30): Carlos Vidal Sanmiguel (cher529s)
-DS (5): Rafael Augustus Sanmiguel (cher529s)
-DH (29):
-DD (1):This year has been difficult for almost all members of the Nervetti family as restaurants were closed, weddings were cancelled and schools were shut. Alex had been questioning whether to retire at the start of the year and the decision were soon taken off his hands. He has adjusted to the situation better than expected with the help of his new son-in-law. Suzanne was also shocked to be so suddenly out of work, but has been using the time to write at a voracious speed not managed since her teens and completed a novel length work in four months.Marcus is one of the few family members untouched by the global situation, not only because the police still need to report for duty, but also because he received a promotion after doing 20 full years of service in the police which also came with a 20% pay rise, which was much appreciated when the hospitality business was shut down this year. Antonia is being taught how to relax by Sarah, who has turned out quite differently from her dutiful parents and is enjoying the excuse to do very little. Sandro has turned to the world of animation and is increasingly certain that his future lies in film-making, although he remains attentive to his online classes. Lucas is bored and frustrated by school, much like his mother was in her youth, and it is a battle to keep him engaged. Lilah has taught herself chess from a book and hones her skills by playing the game online.Nico and Summer are still working, albeit under more difficult conditions. Nico is trying to teach his class through patchy signals, muted mics and blank squares where students should be. Summer is attempting to work from home whilst educating three of her children, care for her youngest daughter, and maintain regular email correspondence with her mother-in-law as she is acting as an editor for Suzanne’s novel. Jack has come up with ideas to save endangered species which he hopes to publish and has ambitions to make a career out of conservation, although his parents regard this as a nebulous and undefined choice. Colette wants to be a professional soccer player or boxer, and is climbing the walls at the loss of her usual activities. Iris is a gentler sort who, in keeping with her name, enjoys gardening.Marta has been furloughed from her job as a chef and Rosalie is no longer able to work as a wedding photographer, her steadiest source of income, while her attempts to forge a career as an artist barely pay at all. The couple have had to move in with Marta’s parents, along with their three year old son whom they adopted as a baby. Their intention to adopt another child has been delayed by the pandemic.Claude was hit most hard by the pandemic as the grounding of flights and cancellation of aviation manufacturing contracts saw him caught in a wave of redundancies. Daphne is that rare creature, someone who found rather than lost a job, although she was far from pleased with the necessity of moving from unobtrusive part-time work to a full-time job administrating at a housing maintenance company where, according to her, everyone is too stressed about things that don’t matter. The great attraction of the job is the ability to work from home, allowing them both to be present for their son, but both of them are unhappy with the situation they find themselves in.After Carlos made clear that he had no interest in fatherhood, and at the urging of her own father, Marie returned home from France with baby Rafael. She wasn’t single for long, however. Her new husband is a vet and shares Rafael’s interest in camping and fishing. Her father also adores his new son-in-law, especially as he owns a boat and is willing to include Alex in family trips around the harbour. Marie and her husband now have a daughter together and Marie has begun a small dressmaking business from home so she can work and look after her children at the same time.**Nico and Summer’s DD’s first name is the Italian version of an English name. Her middle name sounds sophisticated.Rosalie and Marta’s DAS is named after Marta’s Spanish father. His middle name comes from any language of your choice and has a positive meaning.Claude and Daphne’s DS has a Biblical first name and his middle name is shared with a pope.Marie’s DH has an old-fashioned American name now seen as unusual and the middle name of a legendary figure. His surname is Scottish.Marie’s DD’s first name is from Shakespeare and her middle name is from Celtic mythology.
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Giada Beatrice NervettiDiego Elouan Nervetti-CabralNoah Valentine NervettiMarvin Appleseed MacLeod
Portia Maeve MacLeod
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DH (68): Alessandro Edmund “Alex” Nervetti (Wordsmith)
DW (65): Suzanne Marguerite Dumas (Rowena)DD (39): Antonia Mercedes Nervetti (Wordsmith)
-DH (41): Marcus John Wolf (ari.)
-DD (17): Sarah Ravenna Nervetti-Wolf (cher529s)
-DS (15): Alessandro Elliott “Sandro” Nervetti-Wolf (Rowena)
-DS (12): Lucas Antonio Nervetti-Wolf (ari.)
-DD (9): Lilah Juno Nervetti-Wolf (molly)DS (36): Nico Francesco Nervetti (Princess_Shireen)
-DW (35): Summer Ruby Hamilton (jessica_p)
-DS (10): Jack Oscar Nervetti (cher529s)
-DD (8): Colette Maple Nervetti (Wordsmith)
-DD (5): Iris Courtney Nervetti (Rowena)
-DD (1): Paola Beatrice NervettiDD (32): Rosalie Carmela Nervetti (jessica_p)
-DW (32): Marta Florência Delgado-Cabral (Rowena)
-DAS (3): Víctor Quinn Delgado-Cabral-NervettiDS (30): Claude Triton Nervetti (Rowena)
-DGF (31): Daphne Juliet Rose (ari.)
-DS (2): Benjamin Leo Rose-NervettiDD (27): Marie Letizia Nervetti (molly)
-DxBF (30): Carlos Vidal Sanmiguel (cher529s)
-DS (5): Rafael Augustus Sanmiguel (cher529s)
-DH (29): Garfield Arthur McQueen
-DD (1): Cordelia Epona McQueen
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DD (1):Bettina Gwendolyn Nervetti-DAS (3): Marco Asher Nervetti-DS (2): Joshua Paul Nervetti-DH (29): Ephraim Alexander Dunbar
-DD (1): Cordelia Morrigan Dunbar
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DH (68): Alessandro Edmund “Alex” Nervetti (Wordsmith)
DW (65): Suzanne Marguerite Dumas (Rowena)DD (39): Antonia Mercedes Nervetti (Wordsmith)
-DH (41): Marcus John Wolf (ari.)
-DD (17): Sarah Ravenna Nervetti-Wolf (cher529s)
-DS (15): Alessandro Elliott “Sandro” Nervetti-Wolf (Rowena)
-DS (12): Lucas Antonio Nervetti-Wolf (ari.)
-DD (9): Lilah Juno Nervetti-Wolf (molly)DS (36): Nico Francesco Nervetti (Princess_Shireen)
-DW (35): Summer Ruby Hamilton (jessica_p)
-DS (10): Jack Oscar Nervetti (cher529s)
-DD (8): Colette Maple Nervetti (Wordsmith)
-DD (5): Iris Courtney Nervetti (Rowena)
-DD (1): Gioia Winifred NervettiDD (32): Rosalie Carmela Nervetti (jessica_p)
-DW (32): Marta Florência Delgado-Cabral (Rowena)
-DAS (3): Tulio Ambrose NervettiDS (30): Claude Triton Nervetti (Rowena)
-DGF (31): Daphne Juliet Rose (ari.)
-DS (2): Zebedee Clement "Zed" NervettiDD (27): Marie Letizia Nervetti (molly)
-DxBF (30): Carlos Vidal Sanmiguel (cher529s)
-DS (5): Rafael Augustus Sanmiguel (cher529s)
-DH (29): Orville Odysseus Hume
-DD (1): Cressida Olwen Hume

This message was edited 3/4/2025, 12:51 PM

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DH (68): Alessandro Edmund “Alex” Nervetti (Wordsmith)
DW (65): Suzanne Marguerite Dumas (Rowena)DD (39): Antonia Mercedes Nervetti (Wordsmith)
-DH (41): Marcus John Wolf (ari.)
-DD (17): Sarah Ravenna Nervetti-Wolf (cher529s)
-DS (15): Alessandro Elliott “Sandro” Nervetti-Wolf (Rowena)
-DS (12): Lucas Antonio Nervetti-Wolf (ari.)
-DD (9): Lilah Juno Nervetti-Wolf (molly)DS (36): Nico Francesco Nervetti (Princess_Shireen)
-DW (35): Summer Ruby Hamilton (jessica_p)
-DS (10): Jack Oscar Nervetti (cher529s)
-DD (8): Colette Maple Nervetti (Wordsmith)
-DD (5): Iris Courtney Nervetti (Rowena)
-DD (1): Filomena Jacqueline NervettiDD (32): Rosalie Carmela Nervetti (jessica_p)
-DW (32): Marta Florência Delgado-Cabral (Rowena)
-DAS (3): Felipe Oswald Nervetti-DelgadoDS (30): Claude Triton Nervetti (Rowena)
-DGF (31): Daphne Juliet Rose (ari.)
-DS (2): Isaac Leo NervettiDD (27): Marie Letizia Nervetti (molly)
-DxBF (30): Carlos Vidal Sanmiguel (cher529s)
-DS (5): Rafael Augustus Sanmiguel (cher529s)
-DH (29): Ward Hannibal McCoy
-DD (1): Desdemona "Mona" Sadhbh McCoy
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