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[Games] Re: CAF Generation
H: [DEC] Hudson Slade Bevan
W: [91] Charlotte Victoria Bevan {nee Helmers}S1: [70] Hudson Slade Bevan, Jr. 'Sonny'
D1: [69] Hannah Caroline Bevan
S2: [67] Levi Milo Bevan
S3: [60] Spencer Ashton Bevan
D2: [56] Emily Morgan Bevan Hudson & Charlotte Bevan; Sonny, Hannah, Levi, Spencer and Emily.

S1: [70] Hudson Slade Bevan, Jr. 'Sonny'
W: [62] Emma Daisy Bevan {nee McCarthy}D: [39] Grace Caitlin Hewett {nee Bevan}
-H: [46] Cade Corbin Hewett
-D: [16] Lydia Mary Katherine HewettS: [38] Hudson Slade Bevan III 'Slade'
-W: [37] Eleanor Zoe Bevan {nee Maxwell}
-D: [3] Annabelle Claire Bevan
-S/S: [2] Jacob Asher Bevan / Brody Kane Bevan S: [37] Max Nixon Bevan
-W: [32] Miranda Rachel Bevan {nee Barrett-Lennard}
-S: [7] Kye Sullivan Bevan D: [36] Julia Lauren Bevan Jenkins
-H: [37] Leighton Zeke Jenkins
-D: [14] Clara Holly Jenkins
-S: [12] Calvin Sonny Jenkins
-S: [10] Owen Matthew Jenkins
-S: [8] Rhett Cameron Jenkins
-D: [7] Lucy Helena Jenkins
-D: [5] Harriet Jasmine Jenkins
-S: [nb] Thomas Benjamin JenkinsS: [35] Noah Ethan Bevan
-W: [35] Matilda Jade Bevan {nee Robertson}Sonny & Emma Bevan; Grace, Slade, Max, Julia and Noah.
Grace & Cade Hewett; Lydia.
Slade & Eleanor Bevan; Annie, Jake and Brody.
Max & Miranda Bevan; Kye.
Julia & Leighton Jenkins; Clara, Calvin, Owen, Rhett, Lucy, Harriet and Thomas.
Noah & Matilda Bevan.
D1: [69] Hannah Caroline Jones {nee Bevan}
H: [74] Cooper Jace Jones S: [50] Cooper Jace Jones, Jr. 'CJ'
-W: [38] Mariah Lily Jones {nee Roe}Hannah & Cooper Jones; CJ.
CJ & Mariah Jones.

S2: [67] Levi Milo Bevan
1stW: [DEC, aged 34] Melissa Danielle Wilson BevanS: [37] Dominic Jacob BevanD: [35] Fern Bethany Langley {nee Bevan}
-H: [47] Leighton Chase Langley
-S: [11] Angus James Langley 2ndW: [42] Elizabeth Lauren Bevan {nee Odell}S: [12] Charles Jackson Bevan
D: [8] Tallulah Rowan Bevan Levi & Melissa Bevan; Dominic and Fern.
Levi & Elizabeth Bevan; Charlie and Lula.
Fern & Leighton Langley; Angus.

S3: [60] Spencer Ashton Bevan
D2: [56] Emily Morgan Bevan McCormick
H: [60] Henry William McCormickD: [32] Seraphina Jasmine Carter {nee McCormick}
-H: [39] Andrew Graham CarterD: [31] Valentina Camille Sinclair {nee McCormick}
-H: [34] George Daniel Sinclair
-D: [6] Henrietta Valerie Sinclair
-D: [4] Beatrix Margaret Sinclair
-S/S: [1] George Daniel Sinclair, Jr. // Patrick Harrison Sinclair Emily & Henry McCormick; Seraphina and Valentina.
Sera & George Sinclair; Hetty, Bea, Georgie and Paddy.
* trawling through name indexes and making lists of the interesting
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