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[Opinions] Re: Part 1 - Top 400-500 German Babynames 2024 for Boys
in reply to a message by Chaka
Love: Lorenzo, Ragnar, Dante, Lior, Leonid, Aurel, Cedric.Like: August, Diyan, Miro, Rian, Vito, Ensar, Kuzey, Metehan, Pablo, Sultan, Caleb, Flynn, Keanu, Lev, Levio, Timon, Zaid, Kuno, Christoph, Daris, Danilo, Heinrich, Ivar, Karan, Kjell, Marek, Mikael, Osman, Alaz, Hadi, Henning, Noyan, Said, Dian, Francesco, Jakov, Jesper, Naim, Aren, Jarno, Jorik, Mario, Miles, Alexandru, Aziz, Casper, Isaac, Logan, Quinn, Tamino, Vince, Yusef, Otis, Valerio, Elliot, Mikkel, Nolan, Siar, Arman, Jovan, Kirill, Leonas, Marian, Mattes, Nidal, Roel, Willem, Yakup, Adnan, Edwin.Neutral: Carlos, Jon, Berat, Taim, Ayaan, Mahdi, Atilla, Taro.Dislike: Bosse, Ayman, Devin, Efe, Alessandro, Wim, Adriano, Semih, Jeppe, Musab, Salih, Tamme, Bene, Ayoub. Hate: Troi, Cayden.

“Dear optimist, pessimist, and realist – while you guys were busy arguing about the glass of wine, I drank it! Sincerely, the opportunist!”-Lori Greiner
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