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[Opinions] Re: Interesting highschooler names
Not sure I really like any of them;Cove is one of those names I sort-of like and would use on a sim / fictional character, but never a baby
Marcos is fine, I just hate the name Mark for personal reasons Leonidas, Luciano, Meara, Zeah, maybe Hilario are fine I suppose Sundae is a choice but I like it more than Welch (it reminds me of "squelch" and its one of those words that sounds as gross as "moist")Sadrac tho poor kid. Unless its pronounced another way than "Sad-rack" but even then, that's how people will say it initially and/or make fun of him. Similar to Uriel which sounds too much like Urinel Senovio sounds like an electronics company~oOo~oOo~oOo~"one particular boogie will move mirror massaging with stirring crepe mixture, positioning loaves while in the furnace then toting items in containers" ~ best Russian daing sites (guest, (2020)

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