[Opinions] I was reminded of the name Abcde today
So I created a poll. I am interested in what others think
Please comment your opinions, especially other spelling preferences which are not represented in the poll

"one particular boogie will move mirror massaging with stirring crepe mixture, positioning loaves while in the furnace then toting items in containers" ~ best Russian daing sites (guest, 198.144.149.xxx) (2020)
Please comment your opinions, especially other spelling preferences which are not represented in the poll

"one particular boogie will move mirror massaging with stirring crepe mixture, positioning loaves while in the furnace then toting items in containers" ~ best Russian daing sites (guest, 198.144.149.xxx) (2020)
Yikes... that's a terrible spelling. It screams "I don't care about my kids" & "Celebrity name". Still, the sound is ok & a better (but still not good) spelling is Absidy. I really don't like the other spellings.
Always reminds me of “abscess.” I hate it.
I doubt if there would be any alternative spellings! After all, the existing spelling is the whole point, surely? Absidee, Upsidee, Upsidown ...? In fact, it is the only thing I've ever seen in print that makes less sense than your "particular boogie in the furnace with loaves"!
The urge to be original, turned inadvertently toxic.
Abigail is fine: not my thing, but not at all offensive. Same with Sid or Syd. Dee, nn for Deanna, also fine. Just a very unfortunate combination, like putting chocolate sauce on sausage and mash, instead of gravy.
The urge to be original, turned inadvertently toxic.
Abigail is fine: not my thing, but not at all offensive. Same with Sid or Syd. Dee, nn for Deanna, also fine. Just a very unfortunate combination, like putting chocolate sauce on sausage and mash, instead of gravy.
I get what you're saying but while my personal opinion is that the name is horrendus, there are people who like it and especially just for the sound. The sound is fine, I guess, its not terrible sounding and there has been discussion about alternate spellings to retain the sound.
But you can't polish a turd. For me, the name (however it's spelled) will always be connected to The Point - The Point being that it's part of the alphabet. I was just wondering what others thought
But you can't polish a turd. For me, the name (however it's spelled) will always be connected to The Point - The Point being that it's part of the alphabet. I was just wondering what others thought
anyone else reminded of this ...
A classic Sesame Street song:
A classic Sesame Street song:
Exactly. It's a gimmick turned at least theoretically into a name. Like Nevaeh, but at least Nevaeh is a reversal of an actual name and sounds sort of similar to other names.
The sound isn't that abnormal, it sounds a lot like Cassidy, and I don't hate it. The origins of the name are just stupid. Maybe it would be better spelled Absidie or something? At least then the pronunciation would make sense and it wouldn't be obvious that it's the first 5 letters of the alphabet.
I could be fine with this name if it was spelt Apsedy, but even this is not good.
I don't think this name should exist. I remember reading an article where a woman missed her flight bc the people working at the airport wanted to verify the passport of her daughter was real. The child was Abcde. There is no excuse for this spelling, it just screams "I want to be interesting at all costs". If you really like the sound I'd recommend Absedee or Absidy, where Absedee feels more female and Absidy feels more male. Obsidian "Obsidi" might also work.