[Opinions] Re: Creative Spellings in My Yearbook
in reply to a message by Rainya
Anabell, Angelena, Dametria, Kayli, Marrisa, Korryn, and Rihana look pretty normal, but the others are harder to read or just don't look attractive. Angelena is my favorite out of all of these.
I do like Micheala, Austin, Angelina, Demetria, Kaylee, Corrin, London, Lindsey, Rianna and Stephanie (spelled as such).
https://youtube.com/@MarioDrama632 or
I do like Micheala, Austin, Angelina, Demetria, Kaylee, Corrin, London, Lindsey, Rianna and Stephanie (spelled as such).
https://youtube.com/@MarioDrama632 or
I prefer Mikayla over Michaela and Kayley or Kailey over Kaylee. I like the others in the spellings you stated (except I really don't like London at all).