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[Opinions] If you had to choose just one, what’s your favorite name?
Knee-jerk responses are alright. I’m sure everyone’s favorite changes from time to time. Mine:Boy: Declan
Girl: Riyo


Right now, I'd say Reef and Tomine
Hard to choose, but I love Cassius and Cressida.
Girl: Sabrina
Boy: Wesley

This message was edited yesterday, 6:08 PM

Celeste & Gabriel
It's super difficult to pinpoint only one favorite name; mine are always changing quickly, and I have so many favorites! For a girl, I have to go with the name Dorothy- it has been used for eons, and it has many special, nostalgic associations for me. I also really enjoy that it begins with the letter D. As for a boy, my favorite name at the moment is Seth; it's another classic male name, that has never been overly common. Also, the fact that every Seth that I've met was a heartthrob is another plus to the name 😅.
Theodore & Genevieve. Mine hasn't changed in over a decade at this point.
Excluding my partner’s name (and my own), and if I was naming a son and daughter today, I think my top favorite first names are Gregory and Helena. These change every few days, however.
Today it’s Rowan and Zoë.
Right now as of writing this it is...For boys: Joseph
For girls: FrancesThose are my top names right now.
G: Kitty (as a nickname of course)
B: Valentine (I’ll be crushed if I never get to use this name)
This is a very difficult question. At this point in time, I will choose Wilhelmina & Mischa.
Bernard & Sabine
They’ve held top spot for the last 20 years.
My longest standing favourites are probably Ruby and Arthur. I've loved both for almost 30 years now.
Boy: David
Girl: Rosalindbut ... close seconds, Rowan and Delphine
I can’t really choose between my girl names, but right now, I’d say Leonora. Anastasia is a close second.For boys, Sebastian.
Girl: Maria
Boy: Jacob
G: Everett
B: Archer
Noah & Hope
Mine are Nikita for a girl, and Elliott for a boy. Loved them ever since the early 1990s, so there's never been any changes there.

This message was edited 3/12/2025, 10:23 AM

Ellery and Parker
Oliver and MilaUsed Oliver for my youngest and I’m still loving it.i If I had to pick a name I haven’t used already I’d say Zacharias
I have several names tied at the top right now. But, for today, it's probably
Boys - Owen
Girls - Juno
Agatha & Anselm
The fact they both start with A’s and have the vibe of being from a century ago tickles my fancy.
I like how Lucy and Jack pair together.
I know of a set of twin with these names too.
Classic and simple, would make a good sibling pair.
Volodymyr and Svitlana. Favourite girl name varies but favourite boy name has been Volodymyr for while.
I love the name Volodymyr. I like it better than the more well known version Vladimir. Of course pronunciation would be an issue here in the USA might be a problem. Maybe not now since everyone has heard of Volodymyr Zelenskyy. I really like Volodya as a nickname.
I like most flavours of Vladimir, top five in this order: Volodymyr, Vladzimir, Vladimir, Uladzimir, Włodzimierz I like Volodya as nickname for Volodymyr, it is also short for Vladimir even though it doesn't make sense. Vova is also short for Vladimir when it also doesn't make sense. More affectionate diminutives; Volodechka, Volodychok Other diminutives I like are Volya — it also means "willpower" in Ukrainian and Russian and that is great :) Vladik — I love sound of it, it don't make sense for Volodymyr but it don't need to make sense There's also these (I stealed them from Polish)
Vlodek, or Volodek (Włodek)
Vlodzyo (Władzio) Polish short forms make me feel like more Western Ukrainian and I like that About "its Zelenskyys name" problem not really in Ukraine it's like a top 10 name here it just happens to also be president's name
Theres many other notable Volodymyrs also like Volodymyr the Great (aka Vladimir- but in Ukraine history books we call him Volodymyr) and also we call people who are name Vladimir Volodymyr too, like Volodymyr Lenin and Volodymyr Putin
But sometimes we also call them Vladimir / Vladymyr
Personally I still call Putin Vladimir in Ukrainian and Lenin I grew up calling him Vladimir (my hometown was Russian speaking city) so I still call him this or sometimes use blend pronounciation (Vladymyr)
Ooh I love these!
I love the Greek theme.
This more a today favs sort of thing:Girl: Valerie Boy: Oscar
Ian; Lucy
Boy: August
Girl: Elna

This message was edited 3/12/2025, 2:16 AM

That's easy, my favorite overall is Euphemia. I'm not as passionate about boys' names, but Wolfram has been my number one for awhile now.
Boy- Victor
Girl- Yolanda

This message was edited 3/12/2025, 2:19 AM