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[Games] Re: tiny turkish caf
in reply to a message by ari.
H: Gündüz Çelik
W: Adalet Çelik [Peynici]S: Bahadir Çelik
D: Nesrin Çelik
S: Iskender Çelik
D: Öslem Çelik
S: Rasim Çelik
D: Dilara Çelik
S: Lütfi Çelik
D: Reyyan Çelik
S: Aslan Çelik
D: Fidan Çelik

"This is, EXCUSE ME, a damn fine cup of coffee."
- Special Agent, Dale Cooper (in Twin Peaks)
RIP David Lynch
Jan. 20th 1946 - Jan. 15th, 2025
(co-creator of TP)
vote up1

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