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[Games] Re: Generation CAF #553
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [101] Cornelius William Lamb
DW [dec] Vanessa Almira McCarthyDS1 [69] Thomas Cornelius Palmer Lamb
DS2 [66] Wyatt Gregory Lamb
DD1 [65] Lucy Annette Lamb
DD2 [59] Sarah Madeline Lamb~~~~~~~~~~
DS1 [69] Thomas Cornelius Palmer Lamb
DW [67] Marietta Giselle Deeann PuckettDS1 [38] Waylon Anthony LambDS2 [37] Palmer Grant Lamb
- DW [33] Sisley Delia Kneller
-- DS1 [13] Preston William Cyrus Lamb
-- DS2 [11] Tobias Cornelius Wade Lamb
-- DS3 [8] Mason Rowland Lamb
-- DS4/DS5 [6] Theo Austin Lamb & Arlo Timothy LambDD [32] Rosalie Rebekah Lamb
- ExH [32] Marius Christopher Baardsen
-- DD [5] Seraphina Marieta Baardsen
- DH [36] Dominic Ridge Averill
{- DH’s ExW [36] Tyra Cherelle Heron}
-- DH’s DD1 [12] Sawyer Angelica Averill
-- DH’s DD2 [10] Hayden Roxanne Averill
-- DH’s DS [7] Sebastian Kenley Averill~~~~~
DS2 [66] Wyatt Gregory Lamb
ExW [66] Katherine Elaine Jeanette RandolfDS1 [45] Bingham Randolf Lamb
- DW [46] Hafsat Lamine
-- DD [11] Alayna Maleah Lamb
-- DS [7] Cosmo Nicholas LambDS2 [41] Cardell Humfrey Lamb
- ExW [42] Dorothea Raine Gilroy
-- DD1 [19] Harley Katherine Odette Lamb
-- DD2 [16] Cassidy Vanessa Rosaline Lamb
-- DS1/DS2 [14] Timothy Cornelius Michael Lamb & Geoffrey Gregory Dawson Lamb
- DW [37] Temperance Philippa Hatheway
-- DS3 [nb] Bowie Cardell Jackson Lamb*
ExSO1 [63] Meryem IbrahimDS3 [34] Samson Alimjan Lamb
- DW [35] Cynthia Clarissa Annemarie Irvine
-- DD [6] Avaline Lavinia Lamb
-- DS [3] Willoughby Carlyle Lamb*
ExSO2 [54] Vijaya SharmaDS4 [27] Nathaniel Troye Elijah Lamb
- SO [27] Ondrej Horvath~~~~~
DD1 [65] Lucy Annette Lamb~~~~~
DD2 [59] Sarah Madeline Lamb~*~*~*~
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