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[Games] Re: CAF Generation
DH [92] Lucas James Mendall
DW [89] Shea Emeline SinclairDS [67] Lucas James Mendall II
— DW [69] Aurelia Bethan Bright
— DS [42] Lucas James Mendall III
—- DW [41] Laney Faith Gibbs
—- DS [18] Sebastian Daniel Mendall
—- DS [16] Benjamin Eric Mendall
—- DD [13] Aurelia Bethan Mendall
—- DS [12] Tobias Robert Mendall
—- DD [9] Anneliese Moira Mendall
—- DS [8] Samuel Andrew Mendall
—- DS [5] Karsten Cole Mendall
—- DD [1] Kaleigh Megan Mendall
— DD [40] Aurelia Bethan Mendall
—- exDH [54] Alexander Patrick Henderson
—- DH [34] Simon William Green
—- DD [4] Keely Iris Green
—- DS [2] Lukas Ethan Green
—- DD [nb] Roisin Beatrix Green
— DS [35] Gavin Michael MendallDD [64] Emily Claire Mendall
— DH [77] Jake Mitchell Hill
— DD [36] Emily Claire Hill
—- DH [41] Magnus Henry Raymond
—- DS [12] Jake Mitchell Raymond
—- DD [10] Emily Claire Raymond
— DS [35] Nolan Mathew Hill
—- DW [30] Bella Gwyneth Buller
—- DD [10] Betsy Olivia Hill
—- DS [8] Nolan Mathew Hill II
—- DS [8] Nicholas Noel Hill
—- DD [4] Emily Claire Hill
—- DD [2] Gabriella Mary Hill
—- DS [exp] Zachary Thomas Hill
— DD [34] Mara Dolores Hill
—- DH [38] Rocco Atlas Shaw
— DS [26] Harrison Derek HillDD [62] Sorcha Jane Mendall
— DH [72] Elijah Weston Torrey
— DD [36] Kara Madison Torrey
— DS [35] Declan Peter Torrey
—- DW [34] Emma Madeline Clap
— DD [34] Marly Hellen Torrey
— DD [28] Abbey Lauren TorreyDD [59] Aubrey Elinor Mendall
— DH [62] Soren Emil Abbott
— DD [36] Aubrey Elinor Abbott
—- DH [41] Callum Jeremy Rawlins
—- DS [16] Soren Emil Rawlins
—- DS [5] Everett Timothy Rawlins
—- DS [2] Lennon Isaak Rawlins
— DD [34] Ashley Rebecca Abbott
—- DH [40] Sterling Casey Bourne
—- DD [12] Braelynn Jude Bourne
—- DD [10] Jersey Caitlin Bourne
—- DS [5] Beck Alexander Bourne
—- DS [3] Roland Evan Bourne
—- DD [nb] Taylor Alaina Bourne
— DS [29] Soren Emil Abbott II
— DS [29] Lucas James Abbott
—- DW [25] Kimberly Joyce Turner
—- DD [nb] Kimberly Joyce Abbott
— DD [24] Liana Grace Abbott
—- DH [24] Layden River Ocampo DD [55] Vivian Rachel Mendall
— DH [56] Callan Theophilus Doty
— DD [28] Sierra Jessica Doty
—- DH [31] Truitt Orson Hathaway
—- DS [4] Keiran Titus Hathaway
—- DD [nb] Whitnee Elise Doty
— DD [24] Kylie Alyssa Doty
—- DH [27] Asa Stellan Taber
— DD [19] Alicia Mackenzie Doty
— DD [17] Gianna Celeste Doty
Odds are, you nudged shoulders on a busy street
with a broken human today, and you didn't even know it.
Practice empathy. Practice kindness. Always.
Track Sixteen
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Alicia Cook
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