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[Games] Re: Generation CAF #553
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [101] William Arthur Beckham "Bill"
DW [dec] Vivian Vanessa McCarthy BeckhamDS1 [69] John William Raymond Beckham "Jack"
DS2 [66] Wyatt George Beckham
DD1 [65] Lucy Julianne Beckham
DD2 [59] Madeline Sarah Beckham "Maddie"~~~~~~~~~~
DS1 [69] John William Raymond Beckham "Jack"
DW [67] Georgia Laura Giselle Puckett BeckhamDS1 [38] Benjamin Eugene Beckham "Ben"DS2 [37] Raymond Andrew Beckham "Ray"
- DW [33] Delia Faye Smith Beckham
-- DS1 [13] Axel Arthur Gage Beckham
-- DS2 [11] Tobias Gabriel William Beckham "Toby"
-- DS3 [8] Joseph Parker Beckham "Joey"
-- DS4/DS5 [6] Myles Austin Beckham & Quinten Reece BeckhamDD [32] Rosalie Jane Beckham French
- ExH [32] Simon Peder Falk
-- DD [5] Isabeau Georgia Falk
- DH [36] Casey Dominic French
{- DH’s ExW [36] Tania Kristyn Heron}
-- DH’s DD1 [12] Elizabeth Angelica French "Ellie"
-- DH’s DD2 [10] Vivian Roxanne French "Vivi"
-- DH’s DS [7] Sebastian Holland French "Seb"~~~~~
DS2 [66] Wyatt George Beckham
ExW [66] Eva Katherine Christine GordonDS1 [45] John Gordon Beckham
- DW [46] Ladi Dantata Beckham
-- DD [11] Madeleine Jane Beckham "Maddie"
-- DS [7] Nicholas Blaise Beckham "Nick"DS2 [41] Heath Aaron Beckham
- ExW [42] Dorothea Elizabeth Lewis "Thea"
-- DD1 [19] Miriam Eva Odette Beckham
-- DD2 [16] Sylvia Phoebe Vivian Beckham
-- DS1/DS2 [14] Levi William Griffin Beckham & Evan George Daniel Beckham
- DW [37] Gabrielle Anne Sanders Beckham "Gabby"
-- DS3 [nb] Collin Asher Heath Beckham
ExSO1 [63] Meryem AlptekinDS3 [34] Ronan Seth Beckham
- DW [35] Juliet Annemarie Clarissa Garbutt Beckham
-- DD [6] Avaline Adele Beckham
-- DS [3] Leo Carlyle Beckham
ExSO2 [54] Mira SharmaDS4 [27] Nathaniel Elijah Chandra Beckham "Nate"
- SO [27] Ondrej Horváth~~~~~
DD1 [65] Lucy Julianne Beckham~~~~~
DD2 [59] Madeline Sarah Beckham "Maddie"
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