[Opinions] BA's from: Louisiana
For May/June 2006
Chacelyn Audrey [Parents: Chantel, Cory Sib: Curtlyn]
Kyaas Landon [Parent Names: Kourtni and Chad]
Adler Grace [Sibling Names: Ruston Parent Names: Stephanie and Robert]
Stormy Leigh [girl] [Sibling Names: Hunter Parent Names: Tabatha and Shawn]
Masyn Paige [Parent Names: Evie and Shelby]
Hayes Paul [Parent Names: April and John]
Bryson khoi Minh [Sibling Names: Vincent and Jr. Parent Names: Trang and Vinh]
Breckin Blake [Parent Names: Jessica and Jeremy]
Devyn Madison [girl] [Sibling Names: Mason Parent Names: Matt and Kristi]
Britten Michael [boy] [Parent Names: Lacie and Jade]
Paceley Marie [Sibling Names: Kelsie, Phillip, Donkelle and Donte And Dontrelle Parent Names: Lakisha and Phillip]
Chastin Alyssa [Parent Names: Tiffany and William]
Walker Kole [Sibling Names: Wick And Wiley Parent Names: Piper and Ronnie]
Unique John [boy] [Parent Names: Antonette and Joseph]
River Allen [Parent Names: Ruth and Shannon] - YAY a River! :)
Raynie Marie [Sib: Bailey]
Rainsley Paige
Patience Anae
Manning Wirt
Sutton Malachi
Skye Marie
Chacelyn Audrey [Parents: Chantel, Cory Sib: Curtlyn]
Kyaas Landon [Parent Names: Kourtni and Chad]
Adler Grace [Sibling Names: Ruston Parent Names: Stephanie and Robert]
Stormy Leigh [girl] [Sibling Names: Hunter Parent Names: Tabatha and Shawn]
Masyn Paige [Parent Names: Evie and Shelby]
Hayes Paul [Parent Names: April and John]
Bryson khoi Minh [Sibling Names: Vincent and Jr. Parent Names: Trang and Vinh]
Breckin Blake [Parent Names: Jessica and Jeremy]
Devyn Madison [girl] [Sibling Names: Mason Parent Names: Matt and Kristi]
Britten Michael [boy] [Parent Names: Lacie and Jade]
Paceley Marie [Sibling Names: Kelsie, Phillip, Donkelle and Donte And Dontrelle Parent Names: Lakisha and Phillip]
Chastin Alyssa [Parent Names: Tiffany and William]
Walker Kole [Sibling Names: Wick And Wiley Parent Names: Piper and Ronnie]
Unique John [boy] [Parent Names: Antonette and Joseph]
River Allen [Parent Names: Ruth and Shannon] - YAY a River! :)
Raynie Marie [Sib: Bailey]
Rainsley Paige
Patience Anae
Manning Wirt
Sutton Malachi
Skye Marie

Chacelyn Audrey [sib: Curtlyn] - Oh great, the whole family has C names *gags*. Both girls have -lyn names, which is tacky, and even tackier is taking two boys' names and sticking on -lyn and thinking that makes them "feminine". UGH! At least Audrey is nice, though. :b
Kyaas Landon - I can tolerate Landon but what is a Kyaas?
Adler Grace [Sibling Names: Ruston] - Adler for a girl?! THat's a new one to be sick over. :( Adding: I just looked up at Ciarda's post and realized why Adler & Grace together sounded so familiar! LOL!
Stormy Leigh [girl] [Sibling Names: Hunter] - I have a cat named Stormy so I don't really see it as a good formal name for a child, but could be worse I guess. The Leigh makes it sound like "stormily" though (I think I just made up that word, lol). Stormy & Hunter though are much too word-namey for a sibset, imo. :-/
Masyn Paige - Ugh, right up there with Gracyn. :(
Breckin Blake - nmsaa
Paceley Marie [Sibling Names: Kelsie, Phillip, Donkelle and Donte And Dontrelle] - A new low in made-up and/or unisex names. But at least Paceley is better than Donkelle!!
Chastin Alyssa - Chastin??
Unique John [boy] - Well, he's unique, all right. *rolls eyes*
River Allen - not bad at all
Rainsley Paige - Maybe she and Paceley will be friends
Patience Anae - I like Patience
Sutton Malachi - like Malachi
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines
Chacelyn Audrey [sib: Curtlyn] - Oh great, the whole family has C names *gags*. Both girls have -lyn names, which is tacky, and even tackier is taking two boys' names and sticking on -lyn and thinking that makes them "feminine". UGH! At least Audrey is nice, though. :b
Kyaas Landon - I can tolerate Landon but what is a Kyaas?
Adler Grace [Sibling Names: Ruston] - Adler for a girl?! THat's a new one to be sick over. :( Adding: I just looked up at Ciarda's post and realized why Adler & Grace together sounded so familiar! LOL!
Stormy Leigh [girl] [Sibling Names: Hunter] - I have a cat named Stormy so I don't really see it as a good formal name for a child, but could be worse I guess. The Leigh makes it sound like "stormily" though (I think I just made up that word, lol). Stormy & Hunter though are much too word-namey for a sibset, imo. :-/
Masyn Paige - Ugh, right up there with Gracyn. :(
Breckin Blake - nmsaa
Paceley Marie [Sibling Names: Kelsie, Phillip, Donkelle and Donte And Dontrelle] - A new low in made-up and/or unisex names. But at least Paceley is better than Donkelle!!
Chastin Alyssa - Chastin??
Unique John [boy] - Well, he's unique, all right. *rolls eyes*
River Allen - not bad at all
Rainsley Paige - Maybe she and Paceley will be friends
Patience Anae - I like Patience
Sutton Malachi - like Malachi
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines
The only acceptable ones were Skye Marie, River Allen and Walker Kole. Yuck.
Raised by eyebrows because of:
Maysn Paige
Bryson khot minh
Rainsley Paige
Raynie Marie
Chacelyn Audrey
Paceley Marie
Made a face because of:
Devyn Madison
Britten Michael
Chastin Alyssa
Patience Anae
Cried because of:
Kyaas Landon
Adler Grace
Stormy Leigh
Breckin Blake
Unique John
Sutton Malachi (Satin?)
And la creme du la creme: Manning Wirt. Manning friggin Wirt. Wirt. Wort. Whatever. Why couldn't they just use a filler?
In Total:
2 Paiges
3 Maries
59/87 names in BtN
Raised by eyebrows because of:
Maysn Paige
Bryson khot minh
Rainsley Paige
Raynie Marie
Chacelyn Audrey
Paceley Marie
Made a face because of:
Devyn Madison
Britten Michael
Chastin Alyssa
Patience Anae
Cried because of:
Kyaas Landon
Adler Grace
Stormy Leigh
Breckin Blake
Unique John
Sutton Malachi (Satin?)
And la creme du la creme: Manning Wirt. Manning friggin Wirt. Wirt. Wort. Whatever. Why couldn't they just use a filler?
In Total:
2 Paiges
3 Maries
59/87 names in BtN
This message was edited 6/20/2006, 1:29 PM
Adler Grace? As in Grace Adler from "Will & Grace" :-/

I seriously can't stand any of them!
Chacelyn Audrey [Parents: Chantel, Cory Sib: Curtlyn] - What on earth are Chacelyn and Curtlyn (is Curtlyn male or female I wonder). On the other hand Audrey is lovely.
Kyaas Landon [Parent Names: Kourtni and Chad] - male or female? And Kourtni...
Adler Grace [Sibling Names: Ruston Parent Names: Stephanie and Robert] - too masculine but love Grace. As is Ruston m or f, with a sister called Adler it's hard to tell (though I guess a girl would be Rustyn)
Stormy Leigh [girl] [Sibling Names: Hunter Parent Names: Tabatha and Shawn] - Quite normal compared to the previous ones.
Masyn Paige [Parent Names: Evie and Shelby] - Yuck to Masyn
Hayes Paul [Parent Names: April and John] - Hayes might be a family name... (is hopeful)
Bryson khoi Minh [Sibling Names: Vincent and Jr. Parent Names: Trang and Vinh] - ok
Breckin Blake [Parent Names: Jessica and Jeremy] - tongue twister, Breckin Brake, Bleckin Blake. Hope its male
Devyn Madison [girl] [Sibling Names: Mason Parent Names: Matt and Kristi] - yuck
Britten Michael [boy] [Parent Names: Lacie and Jade] - ok
Kyaas Landon [Parent Names: Kourtni and Chad] - male or female? And Kourtni...
Adler Grace [Sibling Names: Ruston Parent Names: Stephanie and Robert] - too masculine but love Grace. As is Ruston m or f, with a sister called Adler it's hard to tell (though I guess a girl would be Rustyn)
Stormy Leigh [girl] [Sibling Names: Hunter Parent Names: Tabatha and Shawn] - Quite normal compared to the previous ones.
Masyn Paige [Parent Names: Evie and Shelby] - Yuck to Masyn
Hayes Paul [Parent Names: April and John] - Hayes might be a family name... (is hopeful)
Bryson khoi Minh [Sibling Names: Vincent and Jr. Parent Names: Trang and Vinh] - ok
Breckin Blake [Parent Names: Jessica and Jeremy] - tongue twister, Breckin Brake, Bleckin Blake. Hope its male
Devyn Madison [girl] [Sibling Names: Mason Parent Names: Matt and Kristi] - yuck
Britten Michael [boy] [Parent Names: Lacie and Jade] - ok
chacelyn is kinda cute..