[Games] DLB's Congrats - Round Seven (and important note)
NOTE: I will not be able to post round 8 until Sunday or Monday. Sorry!
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=552576&board=game
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=553786&board=game
Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=555900&board=game
Round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=558012&board=game
Round 5: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=561236&board=game
Round 6: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=562266&board=game
Here are the families two years later . . . (let me know if I made any mistakes)
Username: bex
LN: Horvath
DH/DW: Pierre Jacques (39) and Rebecca Simone (37)
DS/DS/DS/DS: Reuben Wolfgang / Anton Joseph / Bela Charles / Owen Emmanuel (12)
DD/DD/DS: Louisa Charlotte / Harriet Maeve / Oscar Henry (10)
DD: Lillian Josephine (8)
DS: Calvin Theodore “Callie” (7)
DS: Alexei Viktor (5)
DS: Caius Iago (2)
Username: Cera
LN: Conall
DH/DW: Riley Shane (35) and Emily Carys (37)
DD: Marie Ambrosia (12)
DD: Alice Maeve (10)
DD: Julie Gertrude (8)
DD/DD/DS: Hannah Claudia / Abigail Jane “Gail” / Benjamin George “Benny” (7)
DD: Gwen Florence (5)
DS: Laurence Adam (2)
Username: DLB
LN: Barton
DH/DW: Jeremiah Matthew (37) and Susannah Grace (30)
DS: Matthew Joseph (12)
DS: Jared Michael (10)
DS: Isaac Benjamin (8)
DD/DD/DD/DD/DS: Abigail Eliza / Elizabeth Lou / Grace Florence / Hannah Margaret / Theodore Herbert (7)
DD/DD/DD/DS: Katerina Meriel / Nadia Mary Lou / Valerie Shannon / Jesse Brian (5)
DD: Patience Anne (2)
Username: Eleanora
LN: Hale
DH/DW: Kingston Henry (39) and Elizabeth Rosemary (36)
DD: Julia Christina (12)
DD: Marietta Kate (10)
DS: Edwin Alexander (8)
DD: Lucrectia Grace (7)
DD: Claudia Florence (5)
DS: Nathaniel Quintus (2)
Username: Elle
LN: Blunt
DH/DW: James Hillier (40) and Lisa Marie (32)
DS: Darius James (12)
DD: (do round 2) (10)
DD: (do round 3) (8)
DD: (do round 4) (7)
DD: (do round 5) (5)
DD: (do round 6) (2)
Username: ellie321
LN: Cahill
DH: James Alexander (35) and Elisabeth Mae (34)
DS: Owen Christopher (10)
DS: Jack Nathaniel (8)
DD: Anna Lillian (6)
DS: William Martin (5)
(This is your final family)
Username: enlatiah
LN: Spencer
DH/DW: Jeffery Austin (36) and Alixandra Simone (35)
DD/DD: Indira Jasmine/Jamie Abigail (12)
DD/DD/DD/DS: Maya Jane / Maeve Danielle / Mary Rebecca / Michael Nicholas (10)
DS: Jonas Samuel (8)
DS: Lyndon Andrew (7)
DS/DS/DS: Matt Neil / Jesse Scott / Casey Derek (5)
DD: Titiana Helen (2)
Username: estel
LN: Hill
DH/DW: Kenneth Lucas "Kenny" (31) and Erin Nicole (32)
DD: Allison Felicia “Ally (12)
DD: Margaret Evelyn “Maggie” (10)
DD/DD/DD/DS: Lillian Grace “Lily” / Josephine Anna “Josie” / Sarah Marjorie “Sarie” / Levi Benjamin (8)
DS/DS: John William “Jack” / Andrew Theodore “Drew” (7)
DD: Amanda Gwen “Manda” (5)
DD/DD/DD: Celia Anne / Julia Rosalind / Katharina Patience “Katie” (2)
Username: Flute
LN: Nesheim
DH/DW: Taylor Neshiem (35) and Megan Michele (38)
DD/DD/DS/DS: Edith Felicia / Sophia Dianne / Neil Joseph / James Wolfgang (12)
DD: Anna Margaret (10)
DS: (do round 3) (8)
DS/DS/DS: (do round 4) (7)
DS/DS/DS: (do round 5) (5)
DD: (do round 6) (2)
Username: Keepskuh
LN: Brewer
DH/DW: James Richard (38) and Charlotte Rose (30)
DD: Josie Marie (12)
DS: Stephen Dean (10)
DS: Alexander Earl “Alex” (8)
DS: Richard James (7)
DD: Amanda Bente (5)
DD/DD: Cassandra Oliver “Cassie” / Cordelia Viola “Cordie” (2)
Username: Kelga
LN: Job
DH/DW: Robert Alan (40) and Melissa Joy (36)
DD/DD/DD: Calliope Abigail / Caterina Sierra / Jasmine Christina (12)
DD/DD/DD/DS/DS: Maya Nicole / Lilian Margaret / Sarah Louisa / Jack Robert / James Nathaniel (10)
DS: Schulyer Samuel (8)
DS/DS/DS: Abraham Zachary / Andrew George / Benjamin Martin (7)
DD: Daniela Amanda (5)
DS/DS/DS: Nathaniel Macduff / Orlando Timon / Sebastian Ross (2)
Username: .miela.
LN: LeBlanc
DH/DW: Zane William (36) and Sasha Rose (34)
DD/DD: Julia Katherine / Kristin Abigail (12)
DS: Jared Nathaniel (10)
DD: Sarah Lillian (8)
DS: Benjamin William (7)
DS/DS/DS/DS: Derek Scott / Jesse Neil / Michael Oscar / Jason Carl (5)
DS: Sebastian Lysander (2)
Username: Miss Lissa
LN: Barton
DH/DW: Nathan William (37) and Katherine Jane (37)
DD: Sara Katherine (12)
DD/DD/DD/DS/DS: Anna Charlotte / Jane Lilian / Kate Rebecca / Jack Nathaniel / Henry William (10)
DD: Josephine Grace (8)
DS: (do round 4) (7)
DS: (do round 5) (5)
DD/DS: (do round 6) (2)
Username: mum2bubba
LN: Jordan
DH/DW: Seth and Rebekah
DD/DD/DD/DS: (do round 1)
DD: (do round 2)
DS: (do round 3)
DD/DD: (do round 4)
DS/DS/DS: (do round 5)
(final family)
Username: Rosethorn08
LN: Harrison
DH/DW: Grant Morgan (42) and Victoria Rose (41)
DS/DS/DS: Derek Reuben / James Delmar / Owen Kayne (12)
DD/DD/DD/DS/DS: Margaret Anne “Maggie” / Charlotte Jane “Lottie” / Evelyn Mary “Evie” / William Scott “Will” / Nathaniel Stephen “Nate” (10)
DS: Alexander Thomas “Alex (8)
DD/DD/DD: Margaret Ellen “Maggie” / Elizabeth Jane “Lizie” / Caroline Julia “Carrie” (7)
DD: Amanda Mary (5)
DD: (do round 6) (2)
Username: sarah lee
LN: Martins
DH/DW: Henry Riley Alexander (32) and Sarah Irene (32)
DS: David Charles Matthew (12)
DD: Anna Margaret Nora (10)
DS/DS: Alexander Elisa Samuel / Benjamin Lewis Thomas (8)
DS: John Theodore Harry (7)
DS: Michael Oscar Scott (5)
DD/DD: Audrey Cleopatra Helena / Maria Iris Ophelia (2)
Username: Shayde
LN: Holmas
DH/DW: William Trey 'Trey' (34) and Reece Lauren (33)
DD/DD/DD/DD: Esmeralda Felicia “Esme” / Jasmine Mabe l/ Christina Sierra “Christa” / Brittany Drusilla (10)
DD: Margaret Jane “Meg” (8)
DD/DD/DD/DD: Patricia Ann “Tricia” / Lillian Frances “Lily” / Josephine Grace “Josie” / Stephanie Ruth “Steph” (6)
DD: Caroline Hannah “Carrie (5)
DD/DS: Nadia Shannon / Jason Eric (3)
Username: Silvie
LN: Anderson
DH/DW: Wesley Alexander “Wes” (47) and Evelyn Grace “Evie” (37)
DD/DD/DS: Edith Calliope / Mabel Eva “Mab” / David James “Davy” (12)
DS: Arthur Nathaniel (10)
DS: Isaac Jonas “Izzy” (8)
DD/DD/DD/DD/DS: Jane Margaret / Claudia Frances “Claudie” / Florence Hannah / Helen Barbara “Nell” / Abraham Theodore “Bram” (7)
DS: Eric Viktor (5)
DD: Alice Rosalind (2)
Username: slgn4
LN: Anderson
DH/DW: Isaac Theodore (40) and Mary Alice (37)
DD/DS/DS/DS: Abigail Katherine / Moses Albert / Reuben James / Matthew Stanley (12)
DS: Nathaniel Scott (10)
DS: Levi Benjamin (8)
DS: Abraham Martin (7)
DD/DD/DD/DD/DD: Claudia Mariel / Florence Oksana / Valerie Angel / Wilma Merlene / Nadia Gwen (5)
DD/DD: Olivia Iris / Audrey Beatrice (2)
Username: X Mar
LN: Santi
DH/DW: Ruben James (35) and Leia Taryn (35)
DS: Wolfgang Reuben James (12)
DD/DS: Virginia Nora Sojourner / Washington Malcolm Sinclair (10)
DS/DS: Galileo Alexander Clarence / Schulyer Benjamin Whitcomb (8)
DS: Woodrow Benjamin Rutherford (7)
DS/DS/DS/DS: Oscar Viktor Pernell / Lasse Ilia Irving / Jean-Claude Maurice / Carl Michael Alexei (5)
DD/DD: Poria Andomache Cressida / Peridita Rosalind Cleopatra (2)
You may choose from these scientists’ names.
GIRLS (FN and MN): Anna, Augusta, Caroline, Celia, Clemence, Cornelia, Dorotea, Eliza, Emilie, Florence, Georgia, Grace, Henrietta, Hertha, Ida, Josephine, Kate, Laura, Lise, Lucy, Martha, Maud, Nettie, Nor, Olive, Patsy, Rosalind, Sadie, Sethanne, Sophia, Themista, Williamina.
BOYS (FN and MN): Albert, Alessandro, Amedeo, Blaise, Carl, Christiaan, Daniel, Edme, Ernest, Evangelista, Francis, Friedrich, Galileo, Giovanni, Gregor, Gustav, Hannes, Humphrey, Isaac, Jacques, Johann, Konrad, Leonardo, Max, Nicolas, Nikola, Niels, Pierre, Rene, Stephan, Thomas, Tycho, Wilhelm.
Have fun!
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
~~~ John 3:16
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=552576&board=game
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=553786&board=game
Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=555900&board=game
Round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=558012&board=game
Round 5: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=561236&board=game
Round 6: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=562266&board=game
Here are the families two years later . . . (let me know if I made any mistakes)
Username: bex
LN: Horvath
DH/DW: Pierre Jacques (39) and Rebecca Simone (37)
DS/DS/DS/DS: Reuben Wolfgang / Anton Joseph / Bela Charles / Owen Emmanuel (12)
DD/DD/DS: Louisa Charlotte / Harriet Maeve / Oscar Henry (10)
DD: Lillian Josephine (8)
DS: Calvin Theodore “Callie” (7)
DS: Alexei Viktor (5)
DS: Caius Iago (2)
Username: Cera
LN: Conall
DH/DW: Riley Shane (35) and Emily Carys (37)
DD: Marie Ambrosia (12)
DD: Alice Maeve (10)
DD: Julie Gertrude (8)
DD/DD/DS: Hannah Claudia / Abigail Jane “Gail” / Benjamin George “Benny” (7)
DD: Gwen Florence (5)
DS: Laurence Adam (2)
Username: DLB
LN: Barton
DH/DW: Jeremiah Matthew (37) and Susannah Grace (30)
DS: Matthew Joseph (12)
DS: Jared Michael (10)
DS: Isaac Benjamin (8)
DD/DD/DD/DD/DS: Abigail Eliza / Elizabeth Lou / Grace Florence / Hannah Margaret / Theodore Herbert (7)
DD/DD/DD/DS: Katerina Meriel / Nadia Mary Lou / Valerie Shannon / Jesse Brian (5)
DD: Patience Anne (2)
Username: Eleanora
LN: Hale
DH/DW: Kingston Henry (39) and Elizabeth Rosemary (36)
DD: Julia Christina (12)
DD: Marietta Kate (10)
DS: Edwin Alexander (8)
DD: Lucrectia Grace (7)
DD: Claudia Florence (5)
DS: Nathaniel Quintus (2)
Username: Elle
LN: Blunt
DH/DW: James Hillier (40) and Lisa Marie (32)
DS: Darius James (12)
DD: (do round 2) (10)
DD: (do round 3) (8)
DD: (do round 4) (7)
DD: (do round 5) (5)
DD: (do round 6) (2)
Username: ellie321
LN: Cahill
DH: James Alexander (35) and Elisabeth Mae (34)
DS: Owen Christopher (10)
DS: Jack Nathaniel (8)
DD: Anna Lillian (6)
DS: William Martin (5)
(This is your final family)
Username: enlatiah
LN: Spencer
DH/DW: Jeffery Austin (36) and Alixandra Simone (35)
DD/DD: Indira Jasmine/Jamie Abigail (12)
DD/DD/DD/DS: Maya Jane / Maeve Danielle / Mary Rebecca / Michael Nicholas (10)
DS: Jonas Samuel (8)
DS: Lyndon Andrew (7)
DS/DS/DS: Matt Neil / Jesse Scott / Casey Derek (5)
DD: Titiana Helen (2)
Username: estel
LN: Hill
DH/DW: Kenneth Lucas "Kenny" (31) and Erin Nicole (32)
DD: Allison Felicia “Ally (12)
DD: Margaret Evelyn “Maggie” (10)
DD/DD/DD/DS: Lillian Grace “Lily” / Josephine Anna “Josie” / Sarah Marjorie “Sarie” / Levi Benjamin (8)
DS/DS: John William “Jack” / Andrew Theodore “Drew” (7)
DD: Amanda Gwen “Manda” (5)
DD/DD/DD: Celia Anne / Julia Rosalind / Katharina Patience “Katie” (2)
Username: Flute
LN: Nesheim
DH/DW: Taylor Neshiem (35) and Megan Michele (38)
DD/DD/DS/DS: Edith Felicia / Sophia Dianne / Neil Joseph / James Wolfgang (12)
DD: Anna Margaret (10)
DS: (do round 3) (8)
DS/DS/DS: (do round 4) (7)
DS/DS/DS: (do round 5) (5)
DD: (do round 6) (2)
Username: Keepskuh
LN: Brewer
DH/DW: James Richard (38) and Charlotte Rose (30)
DD: Josie Marie (12)
DS: Stephen Dean (10)
DS: Alexander Earl “Alex” (8)
DS: Richard James (7)
DD: Amanda Bente (5)
DD/DD: Cassandra Oliver “Cassie” / Cordelia Viola “Cordie” (2)
Username: Kelga
LN: Job
DH/DW: Robert Alan (40) and Melissa Joy (36)
DD/DD/DD: Calliope Abigail / Caterina Sierra / Jasmine Christina (12)
DD/DD/DD/DS/DS: Maya Nicole / Lilian Margaret / Sarah Louisa / Jack Robert / James Nathaniel (10)
DS: Schulyer Samuel (8)
DS/DS/DS: Abraham Zachary / Andrew George / Benjamin Martin (7)
DD: Daniela Amanda (5)
DS/DS/DS: Nathaniel Macduff / Orlando Timon / Sebastian Ross (2)
Username: .miela.
LN: LeBlanc
DH/DW: Zane William (36) and Sasha Rose (34)
DD/DD: Julia Katherine / Kristin Abigail (12)
DS: Jared Nathaniel (10)
DD: Sarah Lillian (8)
DS: Benjamin William (7)
DS/DS/DS/DS: Derek Scott / Jesse Neil / Michael Oscar / Jason Carl (5)
DS: Sebastian Lysander (2)
Username: Miss Lissa
LN: Barton
DH/DW: Nathan William (37) and Katherine Jane (37)
DD: Sara Katherine (12)
DD/DD/DD/DS/DS: Anna Charlotte / Jane Lilian / Kate Rebecca / Jack Nathaniel / Henry William (10)
DD: Josephine Grace (8)
DS: (do round 4) (7)
DS: (do round 5) (5)
DD/DS: (do round 6) (2)
Username: mum2bubba
LN: Jordan
DH/DW: Seth and Rebekah
DD/DD/DD/DS: (do round 1)
DD: (do round 2)
DS: (do round 3)
DD/DD: (do round 4)
DS/DS/DS: (do round 5)
(final family)
Username: Rosethorn08
LN: Harrison
DH/DW: Grant Morgan (42) and Victoria Rose (41)
DS/DS/DS: Derek Reuben / James Delmar / Owen Kayne (12)
DD/DD/DD/DS/DS: Margaret Anne “Maggie” / Charlotte Jane “Lottie” / Evelyn Mary “Evie” / William Scott “Will” / Nathaniel Stephen “Nate” (10)
DS: Alexander Thomas “Alex (8)
DD/DD/DD: Margaret Ellen “Maggie” / Elizabeth Jane “Lizie” / Caroline Julia “Carrie” (7)
DD: Amanda Mary (5)
DD: (do round 6) (2)
Username: sarah lee
LN: Martins
DH/DW: Henry Riley Alexander (32) and Sarah Irene (32)
DS: David Charles Matthew (12)
DD: Anna Margaret Nora (10)
DS/DS: Alexander Elisa Samuel / Benjamin Lewis Thomas (8)
DS: John Theodore Harry (7)
DS: Michael Oscar Scott (5)
DD/DD: Audrey Cleopatra Helena / Maria Iris Ophelia (2)
Username: Shayde
LN: Holmas
DH/DW: William Trey 'Trey' (34) and Reece Lauren (33)
DD/DD/DD/DD: Esmeralda Felicia “Esme” / Jasmine Mabe l/ Christina Sierra “Christa” / Brittany Drusilla (10)
DD: Margaret Jane “Meg” (8)
DD/DD/DD/DD: Patricia Ann “Tricia” / Lillian Frances “Lily” / Josephine Grace “Josie” / Stephanie Ruth “Steph” (6)
DD: Caroline Hannah “Carrie (5)
DD/DS: Nadia Shannon / Jason Eric (3)
Username: Silvie
LN: Anderson
DH/DW: Wesley Alexander “Wes” (47) and Evelyn Grace “Evie” (37)
DD/DD/DS: Edith Calliope / Mabel Eva “Mab” / David James “Davy” (12)
DS: Arthur Nathaniel (10)
DS: Isaac Jonas “Izzy” (8)
DD/DD/DD/DD/DS: Jane Margaret / Claudia Frances “Claudie” / Florence Hannah / Helen Barbara “Nell” / Abraham Theodore “Bram” (7)
DS: Eric Viktor (5)
DD: Alice Rosalind (2)
Username: slgn4
LN: Anderson
DH/DW: Isaac Theodore (40) and Mary Alice (37)
DD/DS/DS/DS: Abigail Katherine / Moses Albert / Reuben James / Matthew Stanley (12)
DS: Nathaniel Scott (10)
DS: Levi Benjamin (8)
DS: Abraham Martin (7)
DD/DD/DD/DD/DD: Claudia Mariel / Florence Oksana / Valerie Angel / Wilma Merlene / Nadia Gwen (5)
DD/DD: Olivia Iris / Audrey Beatrice (2)
Username: X Mar
LN: Santi
DH/DW: Ruben James (35) and Leia Taryn (35)
DS: Wolfgang Reuben James (12)
DD/DS: Virginia Nora Sojourner / Washington Malcolm Sinclair (10)
DS/DS: Galileo Alexander Clarence / Schulyer Benjamin Whitcomb (8)
DS: Woodrow Benjamin Rutherford (7)
DS/DS/DS/DS: Oscar Viktor Pernell / Lasse Ilia Irving / Jean-Claude Maurice / Carl Michael Alexei (5)
DD/DD: Poria Andomache Cressida / Peridita Rosalind Cleopatra (2)
You may choose from these scientists’ names.
GIRLS (FN and MN): Anna, Augusta, Caroline, Celia, Clemence, Cornelia, Dorotea, Eliza, Emilie, Florence, Georgia, Grace, Henrietta, Hertha, Ida, Josephine, Kate, Laura, Lise, Lucy, Martha, Maud, Nettie, Nor, Olive, Patsy, Rosalind, Sadie, Sethanne, Sophia, Themista, Williamina.
BOYS (FN and MN): Albert, Alessandro, Amedeo, Blaise, Carl, Christiaan, Daniel, Edme, Ernest, Evangelista, Francis, Friedrich, Galileo, Giovanni, Gregor, Gustav, Hannes, Humphrey, Isaac, Jacques, Johann, Konrad, Leonardo, Max, Nicolas, Nikola, Niels, Pierre, Rene, Stephan, Thomas, Tycho, Wilhelm.
Have fun!
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
~~~ John 3:16
This message was edited 6/22/2006, 7:08 AM
Username: Miss Lissa
LN: Barton
DH/DW: Nathan William (37) and Katherine Jane (37)
DD: Sara Katherine (12)
DD/DD/DD/DS/DS: Anna Charlotte / Jane Lilian / Kate Rebecca / Jack Nathaniel / Henry William (10)
DD: Josephine Grace (8)
DS: Franklin Warren (7)
DS: Matt Alexei (5)
DD/DS: Julia Audrey / Adam Lysander (2)
DS: Isaac Max
<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
LN: Barton
DH/DW: Nathan William (37) and Katherine Jane (37)
DD: Sara Katherine (12)
DD/DD/DD/DS/DS: Anna Charlotte / Jane Lilian / Kate Rebecca / Jack Nathaniel / Henry William (10)
DD: Josephine Grace (8)
DS: Franklin Warren (7)
DS: Matt Alexei (5)
DD/DS: Julia Audrey / Adam Lysander (2)
DS: Isaac Max
<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
Username: .miela.
LN: LeBlanc
DH/DW: Zane William (36) and Sasha Rose (34)
DD/DD: Julia Katherine / Kristin Abigail (12)
DS: Jared Nathaniel (10)
DD: Sarah Lillian (8)
DS: Benjamin William (7)
DS/DS/DS/DS: Derek Scott / Jesse Neil / Michael Oscar / Jason Carl (5)
DS: Sebastian Lysander (2)
DD/DS/DS: Lucy Caroline / Isaac Thomas / Max Daniel
LN: LeBlanc
DH/DW: Zane William (36) and Sasha Rose (34)
DD/DD: Julia Katherine / Kristin Abigail (12)
DS: Jared Nathaniel (10)
DD: Sarah Lillian (8)
DS: Benjamin William (7)
DS/DS/DS/DS: Derek Scott / Jesse Neil / Michael Oscar / Jason Carl (5)
DS: Sebastian Lysander (2)
DD/DS/DS: Lucy Caroline / Isaac Thomas / Max Daniel
Username: bex
LN: Horvath
DH/DW: Pierre Jacques (39) and Rebecca Simone (37)
DS/DS/DS/DS: Reuben Wolfgang / Anton Joseph / Bela Charles / Owen Emmanuel (12)
DD/DD/DS: Louisa Charlotte / Harriet Maeve / Oscar Henry (10)
DD: Lillian Josephine (8)
DS: Calvin Theodore “Callie” (7)
DS: Alexei Viktor (5)
DS: Caius Iago (2)
DD/DD/DD/DD/DS: Eliza Sophia/ Georgina Grace / Olive Augusta/ Sadie Josephine / Christian Pierre
~~* BEX *~~
Coach of 'Bane United'
Hopeful contender for Fantasy Football 2006
My Man Zlatan!

LN: Horvath
DH/DW: Pierre Jacques (39) and Rebecca Simone (37)
DS/DS/DS/DS: Reuben Wolfgang / Anton Joseph / Bela Charles / Owen Emmanuel (12)
DD/DD/DS: Louisa Charlotte / Harriet Maeve / Oscar Henry (10)
DD: Lillian Josephine (8)
DS: Calvin Theodore “Callie” (7)
DS: Alexei Viktor (5)
DS: Caius Iago (2)
DD/DD/DD/DD/DS: Eliza Sophia/ Georgina Grace / Olive Augusta/ Sadie Josephine / Christian Pierre
~~* BEX *~~
Coach of 'Bane United'
Hopeful contender for Fantasy Football 2006
My Man Zlatan!

Username: Shayde
LN: Holmas
DH/DW: William Trey 'Trey' (34) and Reece Lauren (33)
DD/DD/DD/DD: Esmeralda Felicia “Esme” / Jasmine Mabe l/ Christina Sierra “Christa” / Brittany Drusilla (10)
DD: Margaret Jane “Meg” (8)
DD/DD/DD/DD: Patricia Ann “Tricia” / Lillian Frances “Lily” / Josephine Grace “Josie” / Stephanie Ruth “Steph” (6)
DD: Caroline Hannah “Carrie (5)
DD/DS: Nadia Shannon / Jason Eric (3)
DS: Giovanni Thomas 'Gianni'
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
LN: Holmas
DH/DW: William Trey 'Trey' (34) and Reece Lauren (33)
DD/DD/DD/DD: Esmeralda Felicia “Esme” / Jasmine Mabe l/ Christina Sierra “Christa” / Brittany Drusilla (10)
DD: Margaret Jane “Meg” (8)
DD/DD/DD/DD: Patricia Ann “Tricia” / Lillian Frances “Lily” / Josephine Grace “Josie” / Stephanie Ruth “Steph” (6)
DD: Caroline Hannah “Carrie (5)
DD/DS: Nadia Shannon / Jason Eric (3)
DS: Giovanni Thomas 'Gianni'
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
Username: Silvie
LN: Anderson
DH/DW: Wesley Alexander “Wes” (47) and Evelyn Grace “Evie” (37)
DD/DD/DS: Edith Calliope / Mabel Eva “Mab” / David James “Davy” (12)
DS: Arthur Nathaniel (10)
DS: Isaac Jonas “Izzy” (8)
DD/DD/DD/DD/DS: Jane Margaret / Claudia Frances “Claudie” / Florence Hannah / Helen Barbara “Nell” / Abraham Theodore “Bram” (7)
DS: Eric Viktor (5)
DD: Alice Rosalind (2)
DS: Wilhelm Jacques (0)
I sold all my evil motives,
no icicles stuck in my hide.
I'm through with riddles, I know we're little,
just help me feel warm inside.
-Girl on the Wing, The Shins
LN: Anderson
DH/DW: Wesley Alexander “Wes” (47) and Evelyn Grace “Evie” (37)
DD/DD/DS: Edith Calliope / Mabel Eva “Mab” / David James “Davy” (12)
DS: Arthur Nathaniel (10)
DS: Isaac Jonas “Izzy” (8)
DD/DD/DD/DD/DS: Jane Margaret / Claudia Frances “Claudie” / Florence Hannah / Helen Barbara “Nell” / Abraham Theodore “Bram” (7)
DS: Eric Viktor (5)
DD: Alice Rosalind (2)
DS: Wilhelm Jacques (0)
I sold all my evil motives,
no icicles stuck in my hide.
I'm through with riddles, I know we're little,
just help me feel warm inside.
-Girl on the Wing, The Shins
Username: slgn4
LN: Anderson
DH/DW: Isaac Theodore (40) and Mary Alice (37)
DD/DS/DS/DS: Abigail Katherine / Moses Albert / Reuben James / Matthew Stanley (12)
DS: Nathaniel Scott (10)
DS: Levi Benjamin (8)
DS: Abraham Martin (7)
DD/DD/DD/DD/DD: Claudia Mariel / Florence Oksana / Valerie Angel / Wilma Merlene / Nadia Gwen (5)
DD/DD: Olivia Iris / Audrey Beatrice (2)
DS/DS: Daniel Amadeo & Stephan Blaise
LN: Anderson
DH/DW: Isaac Theodore (40) and Mary Alice (37)
DD/DS/DS/DS: Abigail Katherine / Moses Albert / Reuben James / Matthew Stanley (12)
DS: Nathaniel Scott (10)
DS: Levi Benjamin (8)
DS: Abraham Martin (7)
DD/DD/DD/DD/DD: Claudia Mariel / Florence Oksana / Valerie Angel / Wilma Merlene / Nadia Gwen (5)
DD/DD: Olivia Iris / Audrey Beatrice (2)
DS/DS: Daniel Amadeo & Stephan Blaise
Username: Cera
LN: Conall
DH/DW: Riley Shane (35) and Emily Carys (37)
DD: Marie Ambrosia (12)
DD: Alice Maeve (10)
DD: Julie Gertrude (8)
DD/DD/DS: Hannah Claudia / Abigail Jane “Gail” / Benjamin George “Benny” (7)
DD: Gwen Florence (5)
DS: Laurence Adam (2)
DS/DS/DS: Max Isaac / Francis Albert / Stephan Ernest
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
LN: Conall
DH/DW: Riley Shane (35) and Emily Carys (37)
DD: Marie Ambrosia (12)
DD: Alice Maeve (10)
DD: Julie Gertrude (8)
DD/DD/DS: Hannah Claudia / Abigail Jane “Gail” / Benjamin George “Benny” (7)
DD: Gwen Florence (5)
DS: Laurence Adam (2)
DS/DS/DS: Max Isaac / Francis Albert / Stephan Ernest
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
Username: X Mar
LN: Santi
DH/DW: Ruben James (35) and Leia Taryn (35)
DS: Wolfgang Reuben James (12)
DD/DS: Virginia Nora Sojourner / Washington Malcolm Sinclair (10)
DS/DS: Galileo Alexander Clarence / Schulyer Benjamin Whitcomb (8)
DS: Woodrow Benjamin Rutherford (7)
DS/DS/DS/DS: Oscar Viktor Pernell / Lasse Ilia Irving / Jean-Claude Maurice / Carl Michael Alexei (5)
DD/DD: Portia Andromache Cressida / Perdita Rosalind Cleopatra (2) (changed spelling: Poria -> Portia, Andomache -> Andromache, Peridita -> Perdita)
DD: Cornelia Dorotea Eliza (0)

LN: Santi
DH/DW: Ruben James (35) and Leia Taryn (35)
DS: Wolfgang Reuben James (12)
DD/DS: Virginia Nora Sojourner / Washington Malcolm Sinclair (10)
DS/DS: Galileo Alexander Clarence / Schulyer Benjamin Whitcomb (8)
DS: Woodrow Benjamin Rutherford (7)
DS/DS/DS/DS: Oscar Viktor Pernell / Lasse Ilia Irving / Jean-Claude Maurice / Carl Michael Alexei (5)
DD/DD: Portia Andromache Cressida / Perdita Rosalind Cleopatra (2) (changed spelling: Poria -> Portia, Andomache -> Andromache, Peridita -> Perdita)
DD: Cornelia Dorotea Eliza (0)

This message was edited 6/22/2006, 8:59 AM
Username: estel
LN: Hill
DH/DW: Kenneth Lucas "Kenny" (31) and Erin Nicole (32)
DD: Allison Felicia “Ally (12)
DD: Margaret Evelyn “Maggie” (10)
DD/DD/DD/DS: Lillian Grace “Lily” / Josephine Anna “Josie” / Sarah Marjorie “Sarie” / Levi Benjamin (8)
DS/DS: John William “Jack” / Andrew Theodore “Drew” (7)
DD: Amanda Gwen “Manda” (5)
DD/DD/DD: Celia Anne / Julia Rosalind / Katharina Patience “Katie” (2)
DS: Isaac Galileo (newborn)
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Username: sarah lee
LN: Martins
DH/DW: Henry Riley Alexander (32) and Sarah Irene (32)
DS: David Charles Matthew (12)
DD: Anna Margaret Nora (10)
DS/DS: Alexander Elias Samuel / Benjamin Lewis Thomas (8)
DS: John Theodore Harry (7)
DS: Michael Oscar Scott (5)
DD/DD: Audrey Cleopatra Helena / Maria Iris Ophelia (2)
DS/DS: Nicolas Daniel Isaac / Stephan Francis Carl
LN: Harrison
DH/DW: Grant Morgan (42) and Victoria Rose (41)
DS/DS/DS: Derek Reuben / James Delmar / Owen Kayne (12)
DD/DD/DD/DS/DS: Margaret Anne “Maggie” / Charlotte Jane “Lottie” / Evelyn Mary “Evie” / William Scott “Will” / Nathaniel Stephen “Nate” (10)
DS: Alexander Thomas “Alex (8)
DD/DD/DD: Margaret Ellen “Maggie” / Elizabeth Jane “Lizie” / Caroline Julia “Carrie” (7)
DD: Amanda Mary (5)
DD: Rosaline Adriana (2)
DD/DD: Josephine Ida "Josie" / Sophia Grace "Sophie"
round 6 and 7

DH/DW: Grant Morgan (42) and Victoria Rose (41)
DS/DS/DS: Derek Reuben / James Delmar / Owen Kayne (12)
DD/DD/DD/DS/DS: Margaret Anne “Maggie” / Charlotte Jane “Lottie” / Evelyn Mary “Evie” / William Scott “Will” / Nathaniel Stephen “Nate” (10)
DS: Alexander Thomas “Alex (8)
DD/DD/DD: Margaret Ellen “Maggie” / Elizabeth Jane “Lizie” / Caroline Julia “Carrie” (7)
DD: Amanda Mary (5)
DD: Rosaline Adriana (2)
DD/DD: Josephine Ida "Josie" / Sophia Grace "Sophie"
round 6 and 7

Username: Keepskuh
LN: Brewer
DH/DW: James Richard (38) and Charlotte Rose (30)
DD: Josie Marie (12)
DS: Stephen Dean (10)
DS: Alexander Earl “Alex” (8)
DS: Richard James (7)
DD: Amanda Bente (5)
DD/DD: Cassandra Olivia “Cassie” / Cordelia Viola “Cordie” (2)
DD/DD/DS: Emilie Grace / Celia Kate / Thomas Carl (0)
James and Charlotte Brewer with:
Josie, Stephen, Alex, Richard, Amanda, Cassie, Cordie, Emilie, Celia and Thomas
LN: Brewer
DH/DW: James Richard (38) and Charlotte Rose (30)
DD: Josie Marie (12)
DS: Stephen Dean (10)
DS: Alexander Earl “Alex” (8)
DS: Richard James (7)
DD: Amanda Bente (5)
DD/DD: Cassandra Olivia “Cassie” / Cordelia Viola “Cordie” (2)
DD/DD/DS: Emilie Grace / Celia Kate / Thomas Carl (0)
James and Charlotte Brewer with:
Josie, Stephen, Alex, Richard, Amanda, Cassie, Cordie, Emilie, Celia and Thomas
Username: enlatiah
LN: Spencer
DH/DW: Jeffery Austin (36) and Alixandra Simone (35)
DD/DD: Indira Jasmine/Jamie Abigail (12)
DD/DD/DD/DS: Maya Jane / Maeve Danielle / Mary Rebecca / Michael Nicholas (10)
DS: Jonas Samuel (8)
DS: Lyndon Andrew (7)
DS/DS/DS: Matt Neil / Jesse Scott / Casey Derek (5)
DD: Titiana Helen (2)
DS: Giovanni Blaise
Bubble: I shall endeavor to transcribe it on my pad, photocopy it and file it for future reference.
(from Absolutely Fabulous)
Scully: A dream is an answer to a question we haven't yet learned how to ask.
Paper Hearts
(the X-Files)
LN: Spencer
DH/DW: Jeffery Austin (36) and Alixandra Simone (35)
DD/DD: Indira Jasmine/Jamie Abigail (12)
DD/DD/DD/DS: Maya Jane / Maeve Danielle / Mary Rebecca / Michael Nicholas (10)
DS: Jonas Samuel (8)
DS: Lyndon Andrew (7)
DS/DS/DS: Matt Neil / Jesse Scott / Casey Derek (5)
DD: Titiana Helen (2)
DS: Giovanni Blaise
Bubble: I shall endeavor to transcribe it on my pad, photocopy it and file it for future reference.
(from Absolutely Fabulous)
Scully: A dream is an answer to a question we haven't yet learned how to ask.
Paper Hearts
(the X-Files)
Username: DLB
LN: Barton
DH/DW: Jeremiah Matthew (37) and Susannah Grace (30)
DS: Matthew Joseph (12)
DS: Jared Michael (10)
DS: Isaac Benjamin (8)
DD/DD/DD/DD/DS: Abigail Eliza / Elizabeth Lou / Grace Florence / Hannah Margaret / Theodore Herbert (7)
DD/DD/DD/DS: Katerina Meriel / Nadia Mary Lou / Valerie Shannon / Jesse Brian (5)
DD: Patience Anne (2)
DD/DS: Anna Sophia / Stephan Thomas (0)
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
~~~ John 3:16
LN: Barton
DH/DW: Jeremiah Matthew (37) and Susannah Grace (30)
DS: Matthew Joseph (12)
DS: Jared Michael (10)
DS: Isaac Benjamin (8)
DD/DD/DD/DD/DS: Abigail Eliza / Elizabeth Lou / Grace Florence / Hannah Margaret / Theodore Herbert (7)
DD/DD/DD/DS: Katerina Meriel / Nadia Mary Lou / Valerie Shannon / Jesse Brian (5)
DD: Patience Anne (2)
DD/DS: Anna Sophia / Stephan Thomas (0)
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
~~~ John 3:16