[Opinions] Unusual Baby Names [BA's]
Adelle Grace
Nickelle Alyza
London Gail
Kenya Lorraine
Ivy Mae
Nevaeh Lillian
Autumn Kathryn
Palmer Renee
Savannah Loretta Ann
Dakota Lin
Karma Monique
Skylee Ellen
Rocket Alexander
Maddox Lee
Kellyeelle Edward Lee
Konrad James
Chance Henry
Channing Scott
Hudson Thomas
Dexter David
Caden Jase
Deacon Charles
Hunter Ray
Nickelle Alyza
London Gail
Kenya Lorraine
Ivy Mae
Nevaeh Lillian
Autumn Kathryn
Palmer Renee
Savannah Loretta Ann
Dakota Lin
Karma Monique
Skylee Ellen
Rocket Alexander
Maddox Lee
Kellyeelle Edward Lee
Konrad James
Chance Henry
Channing Scott
Hudson Thomas
Dexter David
Caden Jase
Deacon Charles
Hunter Ray

Adelle Grace -Charming!
Nickelle Alyza -Um, dare I say disgusting?
London Gail -Eh... I'm not a huge fan of London, but Gail is pretty.
Kenya Lorraine -nms, but not bad.
Ivy Mae -Cute!
Nevaeh Lillian -Eeeeew, Neveah. Lillian is nice, though.
Autumn Kathryn -Pretty, but the flow is bad.
Palmer Renee -Gross! Palmer? A boyish surname. I like Renee. Shhh, don't tell anyone :)
Savannah Loretta Ann -Savannah is kind of annoyingly southern-trendy. Loretta is okay, and Ann is so much prettier spelled Anne.
Dakota Lin -nmsaa
Karma Monique -nmsaa
Skylee Ellen -Skylee is awful, Ellen is lovely.
Rocket Alexander -Alexander is good. Rocket SHOULD be bad. For some bizzare reason, though, I am not against it. Why am I not dissing Rocket?!
Maddox Lee -I might like Maddox, but I shall never know, because he is such a celebrity child. I personally like Angelina Jolie, but I can't stop picturing that little boy.
Kellyeelle Edward Lee -Ah! Kellyeelle? Just shoot me! Edward is lovely. Lee is bland.
Nickelle Alyza -Um, dare I say disgusting?
London Gail -Eh... I'm not a huge fan of London, but Gail is pretty.
Kenya Lorraine -nms, but not bad.
Ivy Mae -Cute!
Nevaeh Lillian -Eeeeew, Neveah. Lillian is nice, though.
Autumn Kathryn -Pretty, but the flow is bad.
Palmer Renee -Gross! Palmer? A boyish surname. I like Renee. Shhh, don't tell anyone :)
Savannah Loretta Ann -Savannah is kind of annoyingly southern-trendy. Loretta is okay, and Ann is so much prettier spelled Anne.
Dakota Lin -nmsaa
Karma Monique -nmsaa
Skylee Ellen -Skylee is awful, Ellen is lovely.
Rocket Alexander -Alexander is good. Rocket SHOULD be bad. For some bizzare reason, though, I am not against it. Why am I not dissing Rocket?!
Maddox Lee -I might like Maddox, but I shall never know, because he is such a celebrity child. I personally like Angelina Jolie, but I can't stop picturing that little boy.
Kellyeelle Edward Lee -Ah! Kellyeelle? Just shoot me! Edward is lovely. Lee is bland.
Adelle Grace-- Interesting. Not a fan of Grace, really...
Nickelle Alyza-- Gross.
London Gail-- Great! Love London, and I like it with Gail.
Kenya Lorraine-- Not a fan...
Ivy Mae-- Okay. Not great, though.
Nevaeh Lillian-- ooooggghhhh!!! We have a "Nevaeh". Poor girl. I'll bet Our Lillian will appreciate that combo!
Autumn Kathryn-- Rather lovely. I like it very much!
Palmer Renee-- Hate Renee. Not very fond of Palmer, but it does make ya' looke twice. :)
Savannah Loretta Ann-- Hate it. Savannah is, to me, a bit on the "trashy" side. Same goes for Loretta. And Ann, just plain, is NMS.
Dakota Lin-- Love Dakopta for a girl. Not lovin' Lin.
Karma Monique-- Monique is hideous. Karma is a bit cruel, I say.
Skylee Ellen-- Odd. Not horrid. But I hate Ellen.
Rocket Alexander-- LOVE IT! I never before thought of Rocket as a FN...
Maddox Lee-- Hate Lee, on either sex. Like Maddox, though.
Nickelle Alyza-- Gross.
London Gail-- Great! Love London, and I like it with Gail.
Kenya Lorraine-- Not a fan...
Ivy Mae-- Okay. Not great, though.
Nevaeh Lillian-- ooooggghhhh!!! We have a "Nevaeh". Poor girl. I'll bet Our Lillian will appreciate that combo!
Autumn Kathryn-- Rather lovely. I like it very much!
Palmer Renee-- Hate Renee. Not very fond of Palmer, but it does make ya' looke twice. :)
Savannah Loretta Ann-- Hate it. Savannah is, to me, a bit on the "trashy" side. Same goes for Loretta. And Ann, just plain, is NMS.
Dakota Lin-- Love Dakopta for a girl. Not lovin' Lin.
Karma Monique-- Monique is hideous. Karma is a bit cruel, I say.
Skylee Ellen-- Odd. Not horrid. But I hate Ellen.
Rocket Alexander-- LOVE IT! I never before thought of Rocket as a FN...
Maddox Lee-- Hate Lee, on either sex. Like Maddox, though.
I like these:
Adelle Grace - The combo is boring, though. I don't like Grace as a MN because it's such a filler name, but at least the names are tolerable.
Ivy Mae - Lovely. Simple yet gorgeous.
Maddox Lee
Konrad James
Hudson Thomas - am usually not into surnames as firstnames, but this one is not too bad and it reminds me of a character in a show I used to watch.
Deacon Charles
Adelle Grace - The combo is boring, though. I don't like Grace as a MN because it's such a filler name, but at least the names are tolerable.
Ivy Mae - Lovely. Simple yet gorgeous.
Maddox Lee
Konrad James
Hudson Thomas - am usually not into surnames as firstnames, but this one is not too bad and it reminds me of a character in a show I used to watch.
Deacon Charles
Adelle Grace - not *too* bad.
Nickelle Alyza - omg. gag me with a spoon!
London Gail - Gail is nms but I like it. London is better for a mn IF the baby was conceived there.
Kenya Lorraine - I like Lorraine too, though I wouldn't use it. Kenya should be a mn if it's in the conceptional (is that a word?) or ethnic heritage.
Ivy Mae - Ivy Mae/May makes me sad. "Falling Angels" has a little girl in it called Ivy May. she dies tragically. I wouldn't want to associate my baby with her.
Nevaeh Lillian - ugh Nevaeh. I like Lillian though it's nms.
Autumn Kathryn - like Kathryn and its variations, don't like Autumn.
Palmer Renee - Palmer? please. I like Renee, though it's nms.
Savannah Loretta Ann - the only one I like is Ann (with an e!).
Dakota Lin - nms. at all.
Karma Monique - hate Karma. like Monique, though it's nms.
Skylee Ellen - don't like Skylee, lukewarm to Ellen. I like Elena way better.
Rocket Alexander - yes Alexander, NO WAY Rocket.
Nickelle Alyza - omg. gag me with a spoon!
London Gail - Gail is nms but I like it. London is better for a mn IF the baby was conceived there.
Kenya Lorraine - I like Lorraine too, though I wouldn't use it. Kenya should be a mn if it's in the conceptional (is that a word?) or ethnic heritage.
Ivy Mae - Ivy Mae/May makes me sad. "Falling Angels" has a little girl in it called Ivy May. she dies tragically. I wouldn't want to associate my baby with her.
Nevaeh Lillian - ugh Nevaeh. I like Lillian though it's nms.
Autumn Kathryn - like Kathryn and its variations, don't like Autumn.
Palmer Renee - Palmer? please. I like Renee, though it's nms.
Savannah Loretta Ann - the only one I like is Ann (with an e!).
Dakota Lin - nms. at all.
Karma Monique - hate Karma. like Monique, though it's nms.
Skylee Ellen - don't like Skylee, lukewarm to Ellen. I like Elena way better.
Rocket Alexander - yes Alexander, NO WAY Rocket.
Adelle Grace - lovely
Nickelle Alyza - nms
London Gail - Gail is fine. London is a city, not a name, imo.
Kenya Lorraine - Again, not big on place names. Lorraine is pretty, though
Ivy Mae - Very nice
Nevaeh Lillian - Wow, what a contrast. :-/ Lillian is lovely.
Autumn Kathryn - nms
Palmer Renee - Ugh to Palmer for a girl. Renee is very 1980s-filler-mn but miles better than Palmer.
Savannah Loretta Ann - Savannah and Ann (esp. together) are nms, but Loretta is nice
Dakota Lin - Yet another place name, nms
Karma Monique - nms
Skylee Ellen - Ellen: yes, Skylee: no
Rocket Alexander - A big "no" to Rocket. Good name for a dog or a squirrel, though
Maddox Lee - Too trendy
Kellyeelle Edward Lee - Wow, is that a kre8tiv spelling of Khalil?? Scary.
Konrad James - ok
Chance Henry - Love Henry
Channing Scott - Not horrible, but a little too surname-y (Scott is great, though)
Nickelle Alyza - nms
London Gail - Gail is fine. London is a city, not a name, imo.
Kenya Lorraine - Again, not big on place names. Lorraine is pretty, though
Ivy Mae - Very nice
Nevaeh Lillian - Wow, what a contrast. :-/ Lillian is lovely.
Autumn Kathryn - nms
Palmer Renee - Ugh to Palmer for a girl. Renee is very 1980s-filler-mn but miles better than Palmer.
Savannah Loretta Ann - Savannah and Ann (esp. together) are nms, but Loretta is nice
Dakota Lin - Yet another place name, nms
Karma Monique - nms
Skylee Ellen - Ellen: yes, Skylee: no
Rocket Alexander - A big "no" to Rocket. Good name for a dog or a squirrel, though
Maddox Lee - Too trendy
Kellyeelle Edward Lee - Wow, is that a kre8tiv spelling of Khalil?? Scary.
Konrad James - ok
Chance Henry - Love Henry
Channing Scott - Not horrible, but a little too surname-y (Scott is great, though)
Well said, and bluntly too. I heard a thunk.
(I'm hoping Kellyeelle was some kind of mistranscription prior to Sabrina F... an accidental "paste" mid-list, or somesuch.)
- mirfak, ever optimistic
Well said, and bluntly too. I heard a thunk.
(I'm hoping Kellyeelle was some kind of mistranscription prior to Sabrina F... an accidental "paste" mid-list, or somesuch.)
- mirfak, ever optimistic
Nope it's really the kids name...i know i know..poor baby!
I Don't care who wins the England V. Portugal match.
I'll be happy either way!
I Don't care who wins the England V. Portugal match.
I'll be happy either way!
I can confirm this sighting
I saw Kellyeelle, too. His dad was named Kelly, I don't know where they got the rest from. If you were browsing through Ohio, apparently you missed U'Neek Ne'Vaeh Sae'moan. You can really feel sorry for that kid.
Leslie, lucky mommy to Scott (2000), Delaney (2002), and Larissa (2005)
I saw Kellyeelle, too. His dad was named Kelly, I don't know where they got the rest from. If you were browsing through Ohio, apparently you missed U'Neek Ne'Vaeh Sae'moan. You can really feel sorry for that kid.
Leslie, lucky mommy to Scott (2000), Delaney (2002), and Larissa (2005)
This message was edited 6/25/2006, 9:26 PM