[Opinions] Osha
My friend's 5-yr-old son is named Osha - it fits him perfectly but I wonder what this group thinks of it. According to my friend, it is an Indian word for a type of root that bears eat for nutrients after hibernation.

I think of a Scandanavian kid when I hear it.
love peace and chicken grease
love peace and chicken grease
It reminds me of...
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
For reference -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSHA

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
For reference -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSHA

i know about the OSHA most people think of, but luckily he's five and doesn't know what that is yet. his dad actually has an OSHA stick on his car that says "If you think Osha is a town in Wisconsin, you're in trouble!" Hahaha

Ha :)

It's kind of cool. I really like it. I think it would look better on a blonde kid, though. (I dont know why)
he's not blonde (1/4 hispanic), but he's totally a surfer / sporty kid like his dad