[Surname] Last name Cantu started in Italy.
To all Cantu’s,
You are from Italy not Spain or Mexico. Cantu is first found in Lombardy, Italy then moved to Spain then to Mexico. Most Cantu’s are light skinned and have blue or green eyes.
The old name of Canturio, which became Cantu in the fifteenth century, takes its origin from the name of the Lombard people of the Canturigi, which is the origin of the Gaelic name "Galliano", the first settlement in the territory around present day Cantu.
The city of Cantu first appeared in history in the eleventh century when Ariberto da Intimiano, the Archbishop of Milan, rebuilt the Galliano Basicilica in 1007, which was originally built on the site of an ancient pagan temple.
From 1118 to 1128 Cantu took part with Milan in the war against Como, losing in 1124 but coming out victorious in 1127. Many years later the city fought with great strength against Frederick the Redbeard, defeating the invader in 1160.
Fortified with 100 towers in 1324, it remained independent until 1334 when the Visconti occupied the regions around Como. Involved in the fight between the Guelfi and the Ghibellini it was subdued by the forces of Francesco Sforza. Cantu was ruled for about 30 years by this powerful Milanese family, until it was surrendered to the faithful Pietrasantas who built a castle of which remains only the bell tower, that was eventually completed by Pellegrino Tibaldi.
Today, Cantu is renowned as a center of artisans. Around the year 1000, it became known as a center for expert iron works. More recently, it has cultivated a tradition of expert furniture making. With over 700 "botteghe" or small craftsmen shops, its furniture is revered as hand-made art, rather than mass-produced utilitarian items. Cantu is also known throughout the world for its production of fine lace, a tradition began by the Benedictine nuns in 1600.
I traced my mothers ancestry from her mothers last name Cantu and it first traces back to cantu lombrodi Italy . his name was Don Guiseppe Cantú, Capitán, My mother was also born with green/hazel eyes but they changed as she got older .
Years ago an Italian work colleague told me about the town of Cantu. I visited it and have photos. It was originally called Canturio. My Cantu ancestors left Nuevo León in the early 1900’s. I traced them back to the 1770’s. I also found that there were 3 Cantu brothers who were from Spain and arrived in what now Mexico in the 1600’s. I’ve not been able to bridge the gap between one of them and my earliest identified Cantu ancestor. Anyone out there have a Nicolas Cantu and Ysabel Gonzalez de Ayala in your family tree?
My 3rd Great Grandparents are Jesus Cantu who’s parents are in fact Nicolas Cantu and wife Ysabel De Gonzalez . I found information at the Benson Library in Austin Texas . My name is Alicia Cantu Garza O’Neal residing in San Antonio Texas .
I was told by sister-in-law she had checked out our family history and found out that we are Spanish and Italian and that we are related to Ken Salazar (Former Secretary)and his Grandpa Felipe Cantu, and Ken was raised in Manessa Colorado.
well there’s a half mexican actor named nicolas cantu lol
What’s up to all my Cantu’s , I don’t know a lot about my last name there are a few of us out here in Bakersfield California, I know we have family in Texas but I’m not sure where, I know it was Jacoba and Manuel Cantu that moved from Texas to California a few generations back but I will gather more info and try to get back on this message board, in the mean time take care cause we are all family, peace ✌️ also get at me if you know you have any family here where I’m at. Thanks
My great great grandpa came from Linares Nvo Leon.
Silverio Cantu was his name. He was nicknamed Sam by the gringos with whom he worked with in Wyoming because they could not pronounce his name correctly.
Silverio Cantu was his name. He was nicknamed Sam by the gringos with whom he worked with in Wyoming because they could not pronounce his name correctly.
My grandparents were from Monterey NL Mexico my father is the fist born Rogelio Cantu Cantu born in 1933 in a el Rancho las laugunitas known as Cantu , my grandfather name was Damian Cantu from Monterey nl mexico he married Guadalupe Cantu she was prima hermana daughter of my grandfather brother, they eloped at the age 15 , my grand father name is Christoval Cantu a very wealthy man he a brother Benito and other brothers and sisters , he had also sons and daughters from different women my father had told me he would travel on for his business and would have relationships with women and they would bore kids , I was never told who was my relatives because my great grandfather had dis owned him for my grandfather because he had married his prima hermana , my father has 2 brothers there in Monterey they’re name is Raul Cantu and Roel Cantu , these are a list of my father brothers and sisters , ,,,,,My father Rogelio first born , Ramona , Rebeca ,chala ,Rosa Roberto (chachó) Rubén , Raúl ,Roel , my grandfather had green/blueish eyes , light skin they are all light skin my father had greenish/ blueish eyes known as hazel / I’ve been searching for family relatives I have Facebook my name is Jorge Luis Cantu Garza born in Cadereyta nl Mexico , raised in USA , California madera, and moved to Washington near othello,, anybody please let me know if u know my family members or u can always be friends on Facebook, I’ve have friended some cantu but we still need more info , thank you
Im from cadereyta and im Cantu Garza
Born in Monterrey, Mexico
I am a Cantu from Monterrey as well! my parents emigrated to Texas so I was raised here. Trying to get my DNA tested to!
Where in Texas?
Texas is in the USA. It is in the southern point of the US and borders Mexico.
Same here Ruben. I took the DNA test it said I have less than 2% Italian!?? Confused.
Me too Juan!? 2% Italian? I’m super Spanish and Portuguese though…? Must have been the early settlers into Spain from Italy.
Still looking for someone linked past the 1900’s
Still looking for someone linked past the 1900’s
I'm a Cantu and proud of it
This is very interesting information, for the fact that my wife's
Biological father was a Cantu Gentleman.
I do assist my wife from time- to- time, with her Ancestry research and to create a family Bloodline Lineage.
Biological father was a Cantu Gentleman.
I do assist my wife from time- to- time, with her Ancestry research and to create a family Bloodline Lineage.
This is very interesting information, for the fact that my wife's
Biological father was a Cantu Gentleman.
I do assist my wife from time- to- time, with her Ancestry research and to create a family Bloodline Lineage.
Biological father was a Cantu Gentleman.
I do assist my wife from time- to- time, with her Ancestry research and to create a family Bloodline Lineage.
I have been doing research on my mother's family name of Cantu since 2006. I do know of the Cantu's coming from Italy originally. However, since the confirmation of Jewish DNA in the Cantu lineage on my mother's side (and yes I know that it could have come from other ancestors marrying into the Cantu line) I have been questioning whether the name Cantu came from Cantor? Being that in the middle ages and with Christianity (Catholicism) being the confirmed religion of the region for that time being and it was required for all Jewish and or other people of other faiths to convert or else! I have done some research in regards to the area of Cantu Italy and there is a history of Jewish people (Ashkenazi) that may have had to change names and or become Cryptic Jews. Cantor may have become Canterberry-English, Cantor, Canto, Cantu, Canturio, Cantuti, etc. The possibility of having to change the name for reasons of the Spanish Inquisition. That is my speculation. And one more thing I do know that there is ancient history from before the time of Christ that Jewish people traveled to that region and beyond, such as the Apostle Pual from Tarsus which was Spain. Some Ancient texts such as the Book Jasher mention the Semitic people of Noah's offspring migrated after the Flood departing to deferent regions of the Ancient World at that time. And the region of Northeast Europe is mentioned.
The information of the Jewish people in the is very vague. Love doing the research and how it all connects together eventually. I myself am a Christian and love the Jewish connection. Jesus came to save Jew and Gentile for those who receive HIM.
Please if anyone has any information they could share I would truly appreciate it.\
Sincerely S.T.
The information of the Jewish people in the is very vague. Love doing the research and how it all connects together eventually. I myself am a Christian and love the Jewish connection. Jesus came to save Jew and Gentile for those who receive HIM.
Please if anyone has any information they could share I would truly appreciate it.\
Sincerely S.T.
Blessings and honour to you Sarah for this wonderful research. I am now studying the book of Romans(chapter 1&2) and had a dream and was told: I am from the Cantu tribe🤯. I was shocked when I woke up. I started to research and came upon this link. And here I found research especially about the Apostle Paul at Rome and the history of the Jewish people and their conversion into Christianity. This is amazing! God focuses more on tribe and not last "names", because I am a jamaican born and raised but now living in America
This information has opened my eyes to alot spiritual and how it truly pays to study the word of God.
This information has opened my eyes to alot spiritual and how it truly pays to study the word of God.
This is true. The first Cantù in the Mexico married Maria Del Rio de la cerda who was Sephardic
B:29 Dec 1560 Alcalá del Júcar, Albacete, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
B:29 Dec 1560 Alcalá del Júcar, Albacete, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
I agree with your explanation. I can’t prove it but word of mouth from my family was that we were Jewish and fled the mother land and settled in Italy and later in Spain. My grandfather was from Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico. His name was Cayetano Cantu Cantu. I have visited Cantu, Italy and one of the founders was Gaetano Cantús so more than likely my grandfather’s name comes from the Italian language. Another thing that leads me to believe we came from a Jewish background was that my grandfather had a ranch called Senai which is Jewish. My paternal tree shows that one of my ancestors from Spain married a woman from Holland. Thanks for your post. It only confirms some of my finds.
I would like to thank you as well for your research! I believe The Holy Spirit has been leading me in discovering my Jewish Heritage! I pray that Yawheh richly bless you and your family!
I also did a DNA search it showed 17 percent Jewish background. I went to Israel and found the name Cantu at the place where st Peter denied the Lord. The sign read, Saint Peter in GalliCantu. The meaning is where the Rooster sang. I also found out the dictionary says canturiar is a family of singers. All my family is musically blessed. Hope this helps. Shalom.
Wow, that only confirms that my family came from Jewish roots which we always suspected. Thanks for posting that information.
Many in my family are singers. And my dad played the accordion
Thank you so much for the information! I am a Follower of Yeshua as well and your research has given me confirmation on my possible Jewish heritage.
I find this very interesting
Part of my family in Monterrey Mexico, part in San Antonio Tx. The Cantu Treviño, children, one of which is my Grandmother is blond hair blue eyed as well as my father and his siblings. Dad had dark hair blue eyes. Most of my cousins and Great cousins have blue or green eyes. Late 1800’s a Juana Cantu married Fernando Treviño Treviño. In Monterrey. Anyone related to this Cantu family?
My Grandfather and his entire family were born in Monterrey MX, we also have family in San Antonio. Most of our family have the green eye trait.
my family is from General Teran NL Mex
You are probably related to me. My father Cosme Sanchez Cantu was from Gen Teran NL too. His mother Juana Cantu married
Antonio Sanchez in 1910. My grandmother Juana Cantu's parents were first cousins Jose and Victoriana Cantu.
Unfortunately, my grandmother's parents disapproved of the marriage. My father said he never met his grandparents, although he knew who they were, as he often saw them shopping in General Teran. I have seen pictures of my grandmother
Juana Cantu. She was a tall women with green eyes and white skin.
email: icantu896@gmail.
Antonio Sanchez in 1910. My grandmother Juana Cantu's parents were first cousins Jose and Victoriana Cantu.
Unfortunately, my grandmother's parents disapproved of the marriage. My father said he never met his grandparents, although he knew who they were, as he often saw them shopping in General Teran. I have seen pictures of my grandmother
Juana Cantu. She was a tall women with green eyes and white skin.
email: icantu896@gmail.
Hello, I'm actually assisting my wife Cynthia Hernandez Conant, who is the daughter of (Antonio Cantu) of Dallas Texas, who was born in Monterey Mexico, and also Antonio' mother was a Trevino.
I will get more info regarding her Cantu bloodline, she will be very interested to learn more about her family, ad she knows very little information..
I will get more info regarding her Cantu bloodline, she will be very interested to learn more about her family, ad she knows very little information..
Hi, I am from Monterrey. My father´s name is Fernando Cantú Treviño and as you mention, the physical characteristics in the family are the same you mentioned. He was from a little town called Mamulique, in Salinas Victoria, Nuevo León, México.
It's my understanding that my family migrated from Italy to Basque before migrating to Mexico. My great-grandfather was Policapo Cantu, and his wife was Guadalupe Trevino. My grandfather was Tomas Cantu, born in Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, 1895. He and my grandmother moved to Mission, Texas, 1919 during the Mexican Revolution and eventually moved to Corpus Christi in the 1930s. My grandfather had brown eyes, but his father and some of my grandfather's siblings had blue eyes. As a child, I remember traveling to Monterey, Mexico, to visit my great aunts and uncles. They all had blue eyes.
My grandfather became a successful business owner in Corpus Christi and was a founding member of the Corpus Christi Mexican-American Chamber of Commerce. He owned a meat market. Fun Fact; The first Whataburger hamburgers were made with beef from my grandfather's market. I, too, have traveled to Cantu, Italy—a beautiful area near the Italian Alps.
My grandfather became a successful business owner in Corpus Christi and was a founding member of the Corpus Christi Mexican-American Chamber of Commerce. He owned a meat market. Fun Fact; The first Whataburger hamburgers were made with beef from my grandfather's market. I, too, have traveled to Cantu, Italy—a beautiful area near the Italian Alps.
Wow crazy! My grandpas (moms dad) name is Fernando Treviño Cantu!
I'm 99.9 % sure my wife's Biological father Antonio Cantu was from Mamulique, he was definitely born in Monterey Mexico, and his mother's maiden name is Trevino. You could be my wife's prima. I will talk to her and get more information, because I am also a research person for my family, who live in Texas ,Louisiana, and California. My wife's name is Cynthia Hernandez/Conant. Her mom's last husband ,adopted my wife ,and gave her the last name of Hernandez, but she is actually ( Cantu)..
My mother's last name is Cantu and she was born in San Juan Texas but raised in General Bravo N.L. We were raised in Pharr, Texas which is the Rio Grand valley in Texas, millions of Cantu's there....I lived in Spain for 16 years and never saw a Cantu. The name does not exist in Spain, it is from Italy...
You are absolutely correct. There are no Cantu’s in Spain because they fled. They were Jewish and were persecuted for their religious beliefs. When I was in Madrid I went to a place that sold coat of arms for surnames and they told me Cantu would not be found in Spain because it was not a authentic Spanish surname. They settled in Italy when they fled their mother land then some settled in Spain briefly than fled to Mexico settling in Tamaulipas and Nuevo León, Mexico. That’s what my research shows.
Very interesting, have you found any other information
My name is Ambria Cantu and I'm from San Antonio
Trying to get my history w/o having to pay do you know how?
Go to www.genforum.com and see if anyone is researching your name. If not start the ball rolling with a query of your own.
You could also try www.familysearch.com where there is a wealth of genealogical information from many countries.
You could also try www.familysearch.com where there is a wealth of genealogical information from many countries.