[Games] Around the World CAF!
Around the World Create a Family
How This Works
Consider this one big world wide CAF! This is the sign up post, where you can sign up to play the game. The actual game will be posted in a future thread. When you sign up, you will be assigned a zone. It is in this zone that you will find the languages you will be using to create your family. Once you are assigned a zone, you can begin looking for names. The actual family you are filling in, with DH, DW, DD/DS etc, will be provided in the actual game thread. Until then, just brainstorm ideas for names.
Once the actual game thread is set up, I'll explain how you will post your families in the right place for their zone. This is a judged game. There will be one winner per zone (depeneding on how many people per zone), and three top winners. Criteria for judging will be better outlined in the main thread, but they include name flow, creativity, nicknames, mixing of languagues from the zone etc.
Sign Up!
Preferred Zone (if any):
The Zones
Zone 1
Romance Languages
Also: Basque, Catalan, Galician
Zone 2
Central Europe
Also: Provencal, Frisian, Breton, Romanian
Zone 3
Also: Icelandic
Zone 4
British Isles
Also: Cornish
Zone 5
The Celts
Also: Manx
Zone 6
The Aegean and Adriatic
Also: Albanian
Zone 7
The Baltic
Also: Latvian
Zone 8
The Slavs
-Czech and Slovak
Also: Serbia and Croatia
Zone 9
Eastern Europe
Zone 10
The Middle East
Also: Kazakh, Azerbaijani, Kurdish
Zone 11
Indian Subcontinent
Also: Hindu Mythology, Sanskrit
Zone 12
Far East
Also: Khmer, Thai (I'm sorry this category doesn't do justice to the extremely varied cultures of its members by putting them together, so I apologize)
Zone 13
Also: Any and all African names (see Category 12 note)
PS: If you Can't tell, we'll need a LOT of people to play, so spread the word!
Consider this one big world wide CAF! This is the sign up post, where you can sign up to play the game. The actual game will be posted in a future thread. When you sign up, you will be assigned a zone. It is in this zone that you will find the languages you will be using to create your family. Once you are assigned a zone, you can begin looking for names. The actual family you are filling in, with DH, DW, DD/DS etc, will be provided in the actual game thread. Until then, just brainstorm ideas for names.
Once the actual game thread is set up, I'll explain how you will post your families in the right place for their zone. This is a judged game. There will be one winner per zone (depeneding on how many people per zone), and three top winners. Criteria for judging will be better outlined in the main thread, but they include name flow, creativity, nicknames, mixing of languagues from the zone etc.
Preferred Zone (if any):
Zone 1
Romance Languages
Also: Basque, Catalan, Galician
Zone 2
Central Europe
Also: Provencal, Frisian, Breton, Romanian
Zone 3
Also: Icelandic
Zone 4
British Isles
Also: Cornish
Zone 5
The Celts
Also: Manx
Zone 6
The Aegean and Adriatic
Also: Albanian
Zone 7
The Baltic
Also: Latvian
Zone 8
The Slavs
-Czech and Slovak
Also: Serbia and Croatia
Zone 9
Eastern Europe
Zone 10
The Middle East
Also: Kazakh, Azerbaijani, Kurdish
Zone 11
Indian Subcontinent
Also: Hindu Mythology, Sanskrit
Zone 12
Far East
Also: Khmer, Thai (I'm sorry this category doesn't do justice to the extremely varied cultures of its members by putting them together, so I apologize)
Zone 13
Also: Any and all African names (see Category 12 note)
PS: If you Can't tell, we'll need a LOT of people to play, so spread the word!

This message was edited 7/13/2006, 8:10 PM
Name: Juliet
Preferred Zone: Zone 11, Zone 6, Zone 1
Preferred Zone: Zone 11, Zone 6, Zone 1
Name: miss_smiley
Preferred Zone (if any): any!
Preferred Zone (if any): any!
Thanks! You've been assigned to Zone 11, the Indian Subcontinent.

Thanks! You've been assigned to Zone 8, the Slavs

Name: Shayde
Preferred Zone: first choice 1, second 4, third 3
Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 1, The Romance Languages

Name: Enlatiah
Preferred Zone 10
I'll pick Zone 5.
Bubble: I shall endeavor to transcribe it on my pad, photocopy it and file it for future reference.
(from Absolutely Fabulous)
Scully: A dream is an answer to a question we haven't yet learned how to ask.
Paper Hearts
(the X-Files)
Preferred Zone 10
I'll pick Zone 5.
Bubble: I shall endeavor to transcribe it on my pad, photocopy it and file it for future reference.
(from Absolutely Fabulous)
Scully: A dream is an answer to a question we haven't yet learned how to ask.
Paper Hearts
(the X-Files)
This message was edited 7/15/2006, 8:54 AM
We Currently have no people in Zone 10, and I might have to delete it, so do you mind picking another zone for now, until I know what I'm going to do with zone 10?

Name: Mithos514
Preferred Zone (if any): 4 / 5
Game over.
Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 4, the British Isles

Name: Chana
Preferred Zone (if any): 5
Preferred Zone (if any): 5
Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 5, the Celts.

Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 6, The Aegean and Adriatic

Name: Elle
Preferred Zone (if any): doesn't matter - suprise me!
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, & Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
....: Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy
Preferred Zone (if any): doesn't matter - suprise me!
!!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, & Guinevere
???????: William, Charles, Percival, Frederick, George, Ronald, & Ginevra
....: Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy
Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 9, Central Europe!

Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 8, The Slavs

Name: Adriatika
Preferred Zone (if any): 2 or 3

Preferred Zone (if any): 2 or 3

Thank You! You've been assigned to Zone 3, Scandinavia!

Thank you! You've been assigned to zone 3, Scandinavia!

Name: LisaK
Preferred Zone: 4, 5, 10 or 11
Preferred Zone: 4, 5, 10 or 11
Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 11, The Indian Subcontinent

preferred zone: 1. 2 or 9
preferred zone: 1. 2 or 9
Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 9, Eastern Europe.

Name: DLB
Preferred Zone (if any): 2 or 4
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
~~~ John 3:16
Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 2, Central Europe!

Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 3, Scandinavia!

Name: Eleanor
Preferred Zone (if any): Any!
Eleanor x
Preferred Zone (if any): Any!
Eleanor x
Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 7, the Baltic

Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 9, Eastern Europe.

Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 6, the Aegean and Adriatic

Im a little confused on how this works but Ill be happy to try it!
Name: SwtNikki87
Preferred Zone (if any): 1 or 9, it does not matter

Name: SwtNikki87
Preferred Zone (if any): 1 or 9, it does not matter

Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 9, Eastern Europe.
I promise it will make more sense once the game thread is up. For now, you can just brainstorm names from the Zone 9 languages :-)

I promise it will make more sense once the game thread is up. For now, you can just brainstorm names from the Zone 9 languages :-)

Name: Marija Luminitsa (Amanda)
Preferred Zone (if any): 1, 6, 7, or 10
Preferred Zone (if any): 1, 6, 7, or 10
Thank you! You have been assigned to Zone 6, The Aegean and Adriatic

Thank you! You have been assigned to Zone 1, Romance Languages

Name: Echo
Preferred Zone (if any): 2,4,9,11 (I really don't mind which one I get!)
Preferred Zone (if any): 2,4,9,11 (I really don't mind which one I get!)
Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 11, the Indian Subcontinent

I know I've already been assigned, but I just wanted to point out something: in zone one, you only classified Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian as romance languages. Even though this is true, they all are, the next group are also romance languages.
I'm suspecting you did this due to grouping, but I just felt like pointing it out (yes, I am that bored...).
I'm suspecting you did this due to grouping, but I just felt like pointing it out (yes, I am that bored...).
Yep, Grouping
I based it more on region than Language family. I thought French would definitely be out of place in that category, and Romanian I thought would fit better with the Eastern European groups because of Location.

I based it more on region than Language family. I thought French would definitely be out of place in that category, and Romanian I thought would fit better with the Eastern European groups because of Location.

This message was edited 7/14/2006, 9:07 AM
Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 5, The Celts.

Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 4, The British Isles

Name: Claire H
Preferred Zone: 2
A bad wound may heal, but a bad name will kill.
Scottish Proverb
"'Scuse me, mind not farting while I'm trying to save the world?"
Preferred Zone: 2
A bad wound may heal, but a bad name will kill.
Scottish Proverb
"'Scuse me, mind not farting while I'm trying to save the world?"
Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 2, Central Europe

Name: SentimentalArgument
Preferred Zone: 4 or 5
Pintel: You know you can't read.
Ragetti: It's The Bible, You get credit for trying!
Jack: Why is the rum always gone? [wobbles over to hat] Oh, that's why.
The statement below is true.
The statement above is false.
Sterling, Alexandr, Riordan, Lily Rose, Caroline, Juliet
Preferred Zone: 4 or 5
Pintel: You know you can't read.
Ragetti: It's The Bible, You get credit for trying!
Jack: Why is the rum always gone? [wobbles over to hat] Oh, that's why.
The statement below is true.
The statement above is false.
Sterling, Alexandr, Riordan, Lily Rose, Caroline, Juliet
Thank You! You've been assigned to Zone 4, The British Isles

Name: Lawruh
Preferred Zone: 8

"The dog is a gentleman; I hope I go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.
Preferred Zone: 8

"The dog is a gentleman; I hope I go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.
Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 8, the Slavs

Name: avalon
Preferred Zone: 5
Preferred Zone: 5
Thank you! You've been assigned to Zone 5, The Celts.