[Games] Re: Bash game
in reply to a message by LiMeGrEeN
Adriana (ah-dree-AH-nah) Sofia - Adriana is one of my best friends names, so no complaints, dont like Sofia though, the F always seemed weird to me
Sofia Noelle - I like Noel better
Mira Charlotte - Mira is ok but I love Charlotte
Olivia Grace / Grace Olivia - Not to fond of either
Anna Sophia - Why change the Sofia to Sophia? Dont really like Anna as a first name
Nathaniel James "Nathan" - why not just name him Nathan than?
Asher Benjamin - Whats with the Asher craze, never was fond of Benjamin
Jacob Nicholas - Love Jacob, not fond of Nicholas
Noah Gabriel - Dont like either and especially not together!
William Isaac "Liam" - Never liked William Isaac is ok
"You're gonna be a cop? Do you have a gun?" ~My brothers friend Kyle when he found out I was in the Police Academy
PP adopter~see profile
Sofia Noelle - I like Noel better
Mira Charlotte - Mira is ok but I love Charlotte
Olivia Grace / Grace Olivia - Not to fond of either
Anna Sophia - Why change the Sofia to Sophia? Dont really like Anna as a first name
Nathaniel James "Nathan" - why not just name him Nathan than?
Asher Benjamin - Whats with the Asher craze, never was fond of Benjamin
Jacob Nicholas - Love Jacob, not fond of Nicholas
Noah Gabriel - Dont like either and especially not together!
William Isaac "Liam" - Never liked William Isaac is ok
"You're gonna be a cop? Do you have a gun?" ~My brothers friend Kyle when he found out I was in the Police Academy
PP adopter~see profile
Adriana (ah-dree-AH-nah) Sofia- it would sound soooooo much bette ay-dree-AH-nah.
Sofia Noelle- ok, I like this
Mira Charlotte- when I say it, it comes out as "My Rash Harlet"
Olivia Grace / Grace Olivia- Much too common names, and this ombo has been used waay to often! Be original for once!
Anna Sophia- Too much 'a' sound
Nathaniel James "Nathan"- I just dont like it
Asher Benjamin- It doesnt flow well, at all!
Jacob Nicholas- This is very bothersome. When saying this name there is a 'kuh' 2nd slyable in Jacob, and same with Nicholas
Noah Gabriel- no comment
William Isaac "Liam"- too many I's
![This slogan was generated by sloganizer.net generated by sloganizer.net](http://www.sloganizer.net/en/style2,Rachel.png)
Sofia Noelle- ok, I like this
Mira Charlotte- when I say it, it comes out as "My Rash Harlet"
Olivia Grace / Grace Olivia- Much too common names, and this ombo has been used waay to often! Be original for once!
Anna Sophia- Too much 'a' sound
Nathaniel James "Nathan"- I just dont like it
Asher Benjamin- It doesnt flow well, at all!
Jacob Nicholas- This is very bothersome. When saying this name there is a 'kuh' 2nd slyable in Jacob, and same with Nicholas
Noah Gabriel- no comment
William Isaac "Liam"- too many I's
![This slogan was generated by sloganizer.net generated by sloganizer.net](http://www.sloganizer.net/en/style2,Rachel.png)