[Games] Re: First thought (girls b/c it's looooong)
in reply to a message by Cambria
Some of these may be odd. Not sure how they popped into my head . . .
Adah Lanta
Amity Friends
Anice / Annis Anus
Apphia A fee
Aquinnah St. Thomas Aquinas
Aria Opera
Belrose Melrose Place
Bianca White
Cadence Light
Candace Candy
Cassia Spices
Celeste Moon
Celestia Sky
Charlotte Web
Charmaine Charlemagne
Charmian Toilet paper
Chaya Native Americans
Chloë Dao
Constance Staying in one place
Constancy Same
Cora Coral
Coralie Curly
Corisande Beach
Calliope Conga line
Daphne Laurel
Delia Island
Elaina Seinfeld
Elise Lease
Emmaline Clothes line
Evangeline Evangelist
Evelyn Old
Felicia Happiness
Felicity American girl doll
Gabriella Talks a lot
Genevieve My grandma
Genevra F. Scott Fitzgerald
Gloria Estefan
Gloriana Raised hands
Guinevere King Arthur
Gwendolen France
Gwyneth Paltrow
Gwynne A professor of mine
Iris Eyes
Irit Iritate
Ivah Iva something to tell you
Jacoba Matron
Jeanna Is this pronounced like Gina?
Jessamyn An herb
Kayla Cutesy
Keturah Kateri
Kyrie Eleison
Laurel Wreath
Lenore The Raven
Lila Parade the Musical
Liliola Viola
Lilith Fair
Lillian Flowers
Lola Seducive
Lydian Native to Lydia
Lyrica Lyrical dance
Mahalia Plantation
Maribel Smiling
Mira Look
Mirabelle Nancy Astor
Mirabilis Dictu
Mirella Mexican restaurant
Miriam Bible
Moriah Water
Moselle Old lady
Mosera Exotic
Moza Moses
Ophelia Drowning
Orianna Moon
Pearl Oyster
Peninnah Appenine
Phoebe Buffet
Priscilla Presley
Prudence Wrinkles
Quinna Chubby
Rhoda TV show
Rosabel Country girl
Rosalie Long hair
Rosalinde Linda
Rosalyn Metro stop
Rosamund Mundo
Saffronia Saffron
Sabrina The teenage witch
Sapphira Sapphires
Selah Sell a product
Siana Cup
Sidra Sand
Sophronia Woodruff Dews
Sylvia Plath
Tirzah Teresa
Tova Torch
Valaida Vlad
Valkyrie Valeleison
Valora Suit
Vanessa River
Vania Vanna White
Vashti Vast
Veronica Roommate
Vittoria Angels and Demons
Vivienne Leigh
Winona Ryder
Yessenia Yosemite
.Catherine Ann Genevieve.
Adah Lanta
Amity Friends
Anice / Annis Anus
Apphia A fee
Aquinnah St. Thomas Aquinas
Aria Opera
Belrose Melrose Place
Bianca White
Cadence Light
Candace Candy
Cassia Spices
Celeste Moon
Celestia Sky
Charlotte Web
Charmaine Charlemagne
Charmian Toilet paper
Chaya Native Americans
Chloë Dao
Constance Staying in one place
Constancy Same
Cora Coral
Coralie Curly
Corisande Beach
Calliope Conga line
Daphne Laurel
Delia Island
Elaina Seinfeld
Elise Lease
Emmaline Clothes line
Evangeline Evangelist
Evelyn Old
Felicia Happiness
Felicity American girl doll
Gabriella Talks a lot
Genevieve My grandma
Genevra F. Scott Fitzgerald
Gloria Estefan
Gloriana Raised hands
Guinevere King Arthur
Gwendolen France
Gwyneth Paltrow
Gwynne A professor of mine
Iris Eyes
Irit Iritate
Ivah Iva something to tell you
Jacoba Matron
Jeanna Is this pronounced like Gina?
Jessamyn An herb
Kayla Cutesy
Keturah Kateri
Kyrie Eleison
Laurel Wreath
Lenore The Raven
Lila Parade the Musical
Liliola Viola
Lilith Fair
Lillian Flowers
Lola Seducive
Lydian Native to Lydia
Lyrica Lyrical dance
Mahalia Plantation
Maribel Smiling
Mira Look
Mirabelle Nancy Astor
Mirabilis Dictu
Mirella Mexican restaurant
Miriam Bible
Moriah Water
Moselle Old lady
Mosera Exotic
Moza Moses
Ophelia Drowning
Orianna Moon
Pearl Oyster
Peninnah Appenine
Phoebe Buffet
Priscilla Presley
Prudence Wrinkles
Quinna Chubby
Rhoda TV show
Rosabel Country girl
Rosalie Long hair
Rosalinde Linda
Rosalyn Metro stop
Rosamund Mundo
Saffronia Saffron
Sabrina The teenage witch
Sapphira Sapphires
Selah Sell a product
Siana Cup
Sidra Sand
Sophronia Woodruff Dews
Sylvia Plath
Tirzah Teresa
Tova Torch
Valaida Vlad
Valkyrie Valeleison
Valora Suit
Vanessa River
Vania Vanna White
Vashti Vast
Veronica Roommate
Vittoria Angels and Demons
Vivienne Leigh
Winona Ryder
Yessenia Yosemite
.Catherine Ann Genevieve.