[Opinions] Help with triplet-set.
Which of these girl's name goes best with the two boys names.
Donovan (Donny) and Nicholas (Cole)
Cassandra (Cassie)
Kalea (Leah - pron. lay-uh)
Melanie (Lainey)
Phoenix (Nyx)
Time to unload the gigantic lists of names running rampant in my head...
Donovan (Donny) and Nicholas (Cole)
Cassandra (Cassie)
Kalea (Leah - pron. lay-uh)
Melanie (Lainey)
Phoenix (Nyx)
Time to unload the gigantic lists of names running rampant in my head...
Bronwen - this makes Nicholas stand out a little
Cassandra (Cassie) - this fits
Clare - doens't fit that well
Gwendolen - this fits (I'd use nn Gwen, it fits even better then)
Kalea (Leah - pron. lay-uh) - doesn't fit that well
Lux - I'd love to see this used, but it doesn't fit that well
Niamh - looks odd with the other names
Melanie (Lainey) - fits, but I don't like it
Phoenix (Nyx) - I love the nn, but other names fit better
so the ones that fit best in my opinion:
Cassandra (Cassie) - this fits
Clare - doens't fit that well
Gwendolen - this fits (I'd use nn Gwen, it fits even better then)
Kalea (Leah - pron. lay-uh) - doesn't fit that well
Lux - I'd love to see this used, but it doesn't fit that well
Niamh - looks odd with the other names
Melanie (Lainey) - fits, but I don't like it
Phoenix (Nyx) - I love the nn, but other names fit better
so the ones that fit best in my opinion:
Donavan is a really cool name...and I love Daniel w/ the nn Danny, but for some reason I really don't like Donny. However, with Donovan and Nicholas, I'd like Lux or Melanie.
"There is an art to flying, or rather, a knack," said Ford. "The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."

Just had to say this, I love the name Donovan
Me too. I've become hooked on it lately.
Time to unload the gigantic lists of names running rampant in my head...
Time to unload the gigantic lists of names running rampant in my head...
I like Niamh the best, however, I think Cassandra goes best with the others :-)
Pintel: You know you can't read.
Ragetti: It's The Bible, You get credit for trying!
Jack: Why is the rum always gone? [wobbles over to hat] Oh, that's why.
The statement below is true.
The statement above is false.
Sterling, Alexander, Riordan, Lily Rose, Caroline, Juliet
Pintel: You know you can't read.
Ragetti: It's The Bible, You get credit for trying!
Jack: Why is the rum always gone? [wobbles over to hat] Oh, that's why.
The statement below is true.
The statement above is false.
Sterling, Alexander, Riordan, Lily Rose, Caroline, Juliet