[Opinions] Tosca
Too close to the opera? Too weird? Too much? Opinions!
I went to the Uni with someone with this name. The name strikes me as a brand-name for hard crackers.
after watching meercat mannor on animal planet, I could not use this.

Tosca is a tragic character, but other than that, I'd say go for it. ;o)

tosca is a kind of cake in Swedish and it sounds harsh to me too. Is there some other name in the opera that you like?
Love it. I know a little girl named Tosca.
It sounds too harsh to me plus it seems like people would confuse Tosca with Tasha.
I don't like the way it sounds. Too rough, and the kid would be the butt of jokes with that name.
For a girl?
-- Sarah
-- Sarah
Yes...from the Opera.