[Opinions] Met a set of triplets today
At the library play area-they just turned one. Mom was also a kindergarten teacher. Oy-she must be a saint!
Brynn (g)
Riley (g)
Noah (b)
Molly - 6 year old sister
Another set of sisters:
I love Noah and Vanessa, don't care for the other names.
Leslie, lucky mommy to Scott (2000), Delaney (2002), and Larissa (2005)
Brynn (g)
Riley (g)
Noah (b)
Molly - 6 year old sister
Another set of sisters:
I love Noah and Vanessa, don't care for the other names.
Leslie, lucky mommy to Scott (2000), Delaney (2002), and Larissa (2005)
Brynn (g) I prefer Brynna
Riley (g) I love this
Noah (b) My brother's name, I wanna use it as a a middle name
Molly - 6 year old sister I love Molly
Another set of sisters:
Vanessa I love Vanessa, but I probably won't use it
Viveca Reminds me of Vivica A. Fox
~18 year old, freshmen at University of Michigan-Flint
Riley (g) I love this
Noah (b) My brother's name, I wanna use it as a a middle name
Molly - 6 year old sister I love Molly
Another set of sisters:
Vanessa I love Vanessa, but I probably won't use it
Viveca Reminds me of Vivica A. Fox
~18 year old, freshmen at University of Michigan-Flint
LOVE Brynn and Noah. Not too big on Riley for either sex, but the whole triplet-set isn't too bad. Molly has been growing on me lately, too. Vanessa is alright (my sister knows a Vanessa who's called "Venus", and I kind of like that. :D). Viveca is NMS.
Kate Suzanne
Cousin to Seamus Blair,
expected to be born on 9-18-06.

Kate Suzanne
Cousin to Seamus Blair,
expected to be born on 9-18-06.

I love Brynn on a girl. Riley I can stand, I don't like it though. Noah I dislike. And Molly I hate.
I love Vanessa too, Viveca not so much. Even if they spelled it right.
♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
I love Vanessa too, Viveca not so much. Even if they spelled it right.
♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
This message was edited 8/18/2006, 4:04 PM