[Opinions] My cousin had twins!
I love Elena and Sofia as a twin set! Both names are absolutely gorgeous and even though they don't sound alike, they somehow have this similar feel. I'd name my twin girl Elena and Sofia any day.
I'm not sure about those combos, though. I love the first names, but the middle names just don't sweem to bring out the best in them. They're a bit boring, actually. Still, I guess it doesn't matter if they go by Elena and Sofia anyways.
I'm not sure about those combos, though. I love the first names, but the middle names just don't sweem to bring out the best in them. They're a bit boring, actually. Still, I guess it doesn't matter if they go by Elena and Sofia anyways.
Amanda is alright, Rose is great, but it would be so muc cuter in the mn sot
Elena Gabriells- I dislike Gabrielle, but Elena is nice, and it flows
Sofia May - beautiful. I love Sofia and May / Mae is my secodn mn, so I am biased towards it.
♥ Marguerite Ruth, Eleanor Colette
Ezekiel Faron, Diederik Ariel ♥
Josh and Russell
Elena Gabriells- I dislike Gabrielle, but Elena is nice, and it flows
Sofia May - beautiful. I love Sofia and May / Mae is my secodn mn, so I am biased towards it.
♥ Marguerite Ruth, Eleanor Colette
Ezekiel Faron, Diederik Ariel ♥

Josh and Russell