[Opinions] Nameless twin...
Had an odd dream last night where I gave birth to a little girl en route to the hospital. I was apparently scheduled to have a C-section to deliver twins in the next day or so & had gone into labor. In my dream, I named the little girl Evangelyne Belrose (don't kill me; it was just a dream! I'd spell it Evangeline IRL, I promise), but I have no idea what the other baby was named or whether it was a boy or girl. So...using names from my profile (or even your favorites) give my nameless, sexless baby a name and a sex. TIA and have fun. Oh, and if anyone thinks this is too game-y, let me know and I can easily repost.

You have fun dreams.
It's interesting that you would dream about alternative spellings like that. Anyway, I would say that Evangeline Belrose is a darling combination. Her twin sister would be Cornelia Iris and her dear brother Cornelius Eli.
Your list, by the way, blew me away. Elsa and Cornelius are in my top five names. I'm so happy someone else loves them too. Viveka, Ambrose and Malcolm too. I voted for Cornelius Ambrose, nn Conor on your poll. I can't recall what I voted for a girl, though. Anyway, sweet dreams.
It's interesting that you would dream about alternative spellings like that. Anyway, I would say that Evangeline Belrose is a darling combination. Her twin sister would be Cornelia Iris and her dear brother Cornelius Eli.
Your list, by the way, blew me away. Elsa and Cornelius are in my top five names. I'm so happy someone else loves them too. Viveka, Ambrose and Malcolm too. I voted for Cornelius Ambrose, nn Conor on your poll. I can't recall what I voted for a girl, though. Anyway, sweet dreams.
This message was edited 8/21/2006, 4:06 PM
Wonderful suggestions, as usual. ;o)
Although, for some reason (logic is never involved in my naming likes/dislikes) I don't care for Cornelia. Cordelia, however, is just fine... Unfortunately, Cordelia Iris has a harsher sound than Cornelia Iris. I LOVE the flow of Cornelius Eli (and how Eli is stuck in the middle of CornELIus).
Yes, I remember thinking (while dreaming) "Why did I choose THAT spelling?" and my response to myself was, "So people will prn it ee-VAN-juh-lynn instead of ee-VAN-juh-leen or ee-VAN-juh-line."
Thanks; I'll keep you posted if I have any more name-related ones, lol. ;o)

Although, for some reason (logic is never involved in my naming likes/dislikes) I don't care for Cornelia. Cordelia, however, is just fine... Unfortunately, Cordelia Iris has a harsher sound than Cornelia Iris. I LOVE the flow of Cornelius Eli (and how Eli is stuck in the middle of CornELIus).
Yes, I remember thinking (while dreaming) "Why did I choose THAT spelling?" and my response to myself was, "So people will prn it ee-VAN-juh-lynn instead of ee-VAN-juh-leen or ee-VAN-juh-line."
Thanks; I'll keep you posted if I have any more name-related ones, lol. ;o)

DD/DS: Evangelyne Belrose, Ezra Malcolm Vaughan (I tried to separate Malcolm and Vaughan, and they wouldn't let me do it!)
DD/DD: Evangelyne Belrose, Mahalia Lyric
"That was the thing about aliens that no one ever really expected. They're a bit dull."
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
DD/DD: Evangelyne Belrose, Mahalia Lyric
"That was the thing about aliens that no one ever really expected. They're a bit dull."
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Holy cow!
I love Ezra Malcolm Vaughan; it's incredible! I'm completely wowwed...
As for Mahalia Lyric: I love Mahalia and Lyric, but something about them together doesn't quite do it for me. I think it's the consecutive L's - lia Ly - you know? Since the male combo has 2 mns, maybe the female combo should, too? Thelma Lyric Mahalia or Mahalia Ivah Lyric? WDYT?

I love Ezra Malcolm Vaughan; it's incredible! I'm completely wowwed...
As for Mahalia Lyric: I love Mahalia and Lyric, but something about them together doesn't quite do it for me. I think it's the consecutive L's - lia Ly - you know? Since the male combo has 2 mns, maybe the female combo should, too? Thelma Lyric Mahalia or Mahalia Ivah Lyric? WDYT?

Malcoolm Vaughan, from your list...
Judah Everest is also very nice. I'm into the Everest thing.
Judah Everest is also very nice. I'm into the Everest thing.
I think in my case, it's Judah Everett, not Everest. I like Ever, Evers, Everett and even Evariste, but for some reason, I can't see Everest on a person...go figure. :o)

I think in my case, it's Judah Everett, not Everest. I like Ever, Evers, Everett and even Evariste, but for some reason, I can't see Everest on a person...go figure. :o)