[Games] Re: Rosethorn08's Adoption/Congrats Round 2
in reply to a message by Rose
It has been three years since Tom and Ellen adopted Tavy, Mimi, and Izzy. They are now ten, six, and four.
Tom and Ellen would like to adopt Uzi and Rivka. If they are allowed, they will talk to Uzi and suggest that he adopt a name more readily accepted in America, since his is shared with a firearm. They will also suggest that his daughter be given a name reflecting her new family.
Username: Array
DH: Thomas Edmond "Tom" (job: Consultant)
DW: Ellen Melissa (job: MS english teacher)
AD: Octavia Louise "Tavy" (10)
AD: Naomi Ellen "Mimi" (6)
AS: Ishmael Edmond "Izzy" (4)
Dtabby-cat: Django
Place of residence: Aurora, Illinois
"That was the thing about aliens that no one ever really expected. They're a bit dull."
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Tom and Ellen would like to adopt Uzi and Rivka. If they are allowed, they will talk to Uzi and suggest that he adopt a name more readily accepted in America, since his is shared with a firearm. They will also suggest that his daughter be given a name reflecting her new family.
Username: Array
DH: Thomas Edmond "Tom" (job: Consultant)
DW: Ellen Melissa (job: MS english teacher)
AD: Octavia Louise "Tavy" (10)
AD: Naomi Ellen "Mimi" (6)
AS: Ishmael Edmond "Izzy" (4)
Dtabby-cat: Django
Place of residence: Aurora, Illinois
"That was the thing about aliens that no one ever really expected. They're a bit dull."
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Username: Array
DH: Thomas Edmond "Tom" (job: Consultant)
DW: Ellen Melissa (job: MS english teacher)
AS: Uzi Abraham Solly (17)
AD: Octavia Louise "Tavy" (10)
AD: Naomi Ellen "Mimi" (6)
AS: Ishmael Edmond "Izzy" (4)
AD: Rivka Ziv Yocheved (5 mo)
Dmongrel: Evron
Dtabby-cat: Django
Place of residence: Aurora, Illinois
Congradulations, you've adopted Uzi and Rivka and their dog Evron. Would you like to change their names? (Optional) How are Uzi and Rivka getting along with your family? How are Evron and Django getting along?

Username: Array
DH: Thomas Edmond "Tom" (job: Consultant)
DW: Ellen Melissa (job: MS english teacher)
AS: Uzi Abraham Solly (17)
AD: Octavia Louise "Tavy" (10)
AD: Naomi Ellen "Mimi" (6)
AS: Ishmael Edmond "Izzy" (4)
AD: Rivka Ziv Yocheved (5 mo)
Dmongrel: Evron
Dtabby-cat: Django
Place of residence: Aurora, Illinois
Congradulations, you've adopted Uzi and Rivka and their dog Evron. Would you like to change their names? (Optional) How are Uzi and Rivka getting along with your family? How are Evron and Django getting along?

Uzi's name is now Abraham Thomas Solomon. They will be calling him Abe. Rivka's name is now Rivka Glory Melissa.
Abe has had some trouble adjusting to his new life, but he has made the changes quite well. He is extremely protective of his daughter, Rivka, and tends to ignore his other siblings. Tom has pulled some strings and gotten him a job in a construction firm, so that he can work outside as he loves to. Abe is also going to school, though he doesn't enjoy it much.
Mimi has taken a shine to Abe, and she follows him around like a puppy. While he is very quiet around most of the family, Ellen has caught him telling Mimi stories and teaching her foreign words--and she's very glad of that they're connecting. Tavy has been eager to help out with baby Rivka, and Abe has grudgingly allowed her to assist with feedings, changings, baths, etc. Izzy shows little interest in the baby; he's very focused on the bugs out in their yard.
Evron has been terrorizing Django, who is a mellow cat by nature. If things don't change, they will have to give Evron to a loving home. Tom hopes it won't come to that; he can see how attached Abe is to that dog.
"That was the thing about aliens that no one ever really expected. They're a bit dull."
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Abe has had some trouble adjusting to his new life, but he has made the changes quite well. He is extremely protective of his daughter, Rivka, and tends to ignore his other siblings. Tom has pulled some strings and gotten him a job in a construction firm, so that he can work outside as he loves to. Abe is also going to school, though he doesn't enjoy it much.
Mimi has taken a shine to Abe, and she follows him around like a puppy. While he is very quiet around most of the family, Ellen has caught him telling Mimi stories and teaching her foreign words--and she's very glad of that they're connecting. Tavy has been eager to help out with baby Rivka, and Abe has grudgingly allowed her to assist with feedings, changings, baths, etc. Izzy shows little interest in the baby; he's very focused on the bugs out in their yard.
Evron has been terrorizing Django, who is a mellow cat by nature. If things don't change, they will have to give Evron to a loving home. Tom hopes it won't come to that; he can see how attached Abe is to that dog.
"That was the thing about aliens that no one ever really expected. They're a bit dull."
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.