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[Opinions] Re: Too Mythological/Greek/Roman?
Achilles - very mythological but sill acceptable as a name to me
Faustus (and the femme version Fausta) - I don't think it's too mythological, but I don't like it either.
Guinevere - I personally love this name and would seriosly consider using it myself!
Galahad - very mythological
Hermia - I think it's usable, unusual and pretty. The first thing I think of is actually Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Pontius - definately not a good name to me (too Latin), I think of bridges and the Pontiff or Pope
Laertes - Well, it sounds like a Roman or Greek mythological character (and I'm sure I've heard the story), but I can't place it. Maybe that makes it more usable.
Lancelot (I like the version Launcelot) - very very mythological, and I wouldn't use it.
Patroclus - I can see why this Greek name didn't make the popularity charts. Definately too old.
Ptolemy - cool name, but definately too Greek/Egyptian history, too much like Cleopatra for me to use (but then again I like Isis!)
Pilate - When heard, people will hear "pilot", when seen they might think Pontius Pilate. I wouldn't use it for both reasons (more because of the pilot than Pontius).


This message was edited 8/27/2006, 7:21 AM

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