[Games] Re: Nikki's Congrats Round Four
in reply to a message by SwtNikki87
The Mathias'
Christian Douglas and Ariana Elise
Owen Douglas
Adelyn Laurel
Chloe Abigail
Josiah Liam / Wyatt Lucas
I got your e-mail about round 2 and I answered here (http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=644275&board=game) with the name for my daughter from Round 2. I saw you didn't include her in this round and am wondering if you just didn't see it or decided not to let me have her because I missed round 2. Either way I'll abide by your decision to either let me keep her or delete her. I would prefer to keep her though! ;)
Thanks, LadyBug

The Mathias'
Christian Douglas and Ariana Elise
Owen Douglas
Adelyn Laurel
Chloe Abigail
Josiah Liam / Wyatt Lucas
I got your e-mail about round 2 and I answered here (http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=644275&board=game) with the name for my daughter from Round 2. I saw you didn't include her in this round and am wondering if you just didn't see it or decided not to let me have her because I missed round 2. Either way I'll abide by your decision to either let me keep her or delete her. I would prefer to keep her though! ;)
Thanks, LadyBug

Of course you can keep her. I just didnt see it!

I know, I know... Im a loser but I just love my cat so dang much!

I know, I know... Im a loser but I just love my cat so dang much!