I have been searching for years and cannot find this name.
The gender is male, born in Glasgow,Scotland. Approx. 1878
Name Daker is used as a first name. I checked a genealogy book and could not find it. However, did find Dakers (note the S), which was a last name.
I have searched archives in Denver, Colorado and Lowell, Mass and various internet sites and cannot find this name. Can you please help in this search?
The gender is male, born in Glasgow,Scotland. Approx. 1878
Name Daker is used as a first name. I checked a genealogy book and could not find it. However, did find Dakers (note the S), which was a last name.
I have searched archives in Denver, Colorado and Lowell, Mass and various internet sites and cannot find this name. Can you please help in this search?
Perhaps it's a variant of Dacre?
And please don't type in all caps. It's the Internet equivalent of shouting, and is considered rude.

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
And please don't type in all caps. It's the Internet equivalent of shouting, and is considered rude.

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.