[Opinions] Carys
How do you pronounce Carys? I have heard it pronounced many different ways and wonder what the correct pronunciation is. I pronounce it Care-iss. Thanks! :)
I knew someone with the name Karis and hers was pronounced Car-iss. I suppose I would pronounce Carys Care-iss or Car-iss, it just depends on what the person would want, otherwise I think I would unconciously alternate between the two.
It is correctly pronounced CAH-riss, with a slight emphasis on the first syllable. Short 'a' sound is CAH. Rhymes with Paris.
I pronounce it Care-iss as well. I know of someone by this name who pronounces her name this way.
I say CAAR-ihs, the A in CAAR sounding like the A in apple.
I pronounce Carys as KAIR-is (Pretty much the same as Care-iss).
Care-iss = Cerys
Car riss = Carys
both are very pretty
Car riss = Carys
both are very pretty
I also pronounce it care-iss, with a slight emphasis on the first syllable.
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I wanna go to the crappy town where I'm a hero.
![Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v474/edeneli/r.jpg)
I wanna go to the crappy town where I'm a hero.
I always pronounce it Car-iss.
Jack Sparrow: I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt!
Gibbs: [Jack shows him a cloth containing a picture of a key which he has just risked his life for] A key!
Jack Sparrow: Better. It's a drawing of a key.
Jack Sparrow: I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt!
Gibbs: [Jack shows him a cloth containing a picture of a key which he has just risked his life for] A key!
Jack Sparrow: Better. It's a drawing of a key.