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[Facts] The name Lajea?
A few years ago I had a little girl in my class that was called "Lajea". I have searched far and wide for this name but can't seem to find it's meaning or where it comes from. Does anyone has a clue what it means or could mean? Thanx in advance!
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What was this child's ethnic background? How was the name pronounced?
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La-JAY-aHer father was Dutch. And her mother was from Surinam (Latin America). But I think the name could be from India. Surinam has many cultures (Indian, Chinese, Creole). So basically her mother is Indian.
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The Indian (Sanskrit) root that immediately suggests itself is lajj, meaning to blush, or be ashamed, embarrassed, modest, etc. (It may be related to ranj, meaning to color.) Words from this root are common as women's name, though slightly dated.
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