[Opinions] Elspeth & Margaret?
What do you think of these two names? All comments welcome!
I really like them both. I like nn Meg for Margaret, it reminds me of the character from little women :)
Both lovely!
I think they are both so lovely, and actually very Scottish!
Elspeth is very regal and elegant, and it's a nice change from the traditional Elizabeth / Elisabeth that is so popular in many places. It lends itself easily to a modern-day child but still has that historic feel to it that I personaly love! Also several nicknames are open to you such as Elsie / Elsy, Elsa, Pet, Ellie, Ella, Lissie, or even other names such as Beth, Besty, or Lizzie that are comon with Elizabeth because of their connection.
Margaret is a newer favorite of mine, mostly because I've prefered Marjorie / Margery to it for quite some time. It is elegant and beautiful and has even more history and usability in today's world than Elspeth perhaps. And it has many nicknames that could be used (Meg, Maggie, Molly, Polly, Peg, Margie, ect.) if the child ever felt that Margaret was too cumbersome. Also it's deffinately less popular than some of the other old-fashioned names like Elizabeth, Hannah, Rebecca, Charlotte and Caroline.

Elspeth is very regal and elegant, and it's a nice change from the traditional Elizabeth / Elisabeth that is so popular in many places. It lends itself easily to a modern-day child but still has that historic feel to it that I personaly love! Also several nicknames are open to you such as Elsie / Elsy, Elsa, Pet, Ellie, Ella, Lissie, or even other names such as Beth, Besty, or Lizzie that are comon with Elizabeth because of their connection.
Margaret is a newer favorite of mine, mostly because I've prefered Marjorie / Margery to it for quite some time. It is elegant and beautiful and has even more history and usability in today's world than Elspeth perhaps. And it has many nicknames that could be used (Meg, Maggie, Molly, Polly, Peg, Margie, ect.) if the child ever felt that Margaret was too cumbersome. Also it's deffinately less popular than some of the other old-fashioned names like Elizabeth, Hannah, Rebecca, Charlotte and Caroline.

Love them, especially as siblings! :)
Wit has truth in it; wisecracking is simply calisthenics with words.
Margaret is pretty but im not really feelin Elspeth