[Opinions] Margaret and Rose...
I mentioned this in another post but since only two people replied (I love you guys, lol.) I'm reposting it. WDYT of these names? WDYT of Rose as a first name? I really dislike it as a mn, as I think it is overused, just my opinion. And what do you think of Margaret? I know it's getting a little common, but it's timeless and classic so that doesn't bother me. Plus, it would honor my beloved Nana =). P.S. NN would be Meg or Meggie, NOT Maggie.

Nobody sings a love song quite like you do
And nobody else can make me sing along
Nobody else can make me feel
That things are right when I know they're wrong

Nobody sings a love song quite like you do
And nobody else can make me sing along
Nobody else can make me feel
That things are right when I know they're wrong
This message was edited 9/12/2006, 3:08 PM
I think Rose and Margaret could both be considered timeless classics. I think Rose is quite a nice name and I agree with you that it deserves to be seen more as a fn and less as a mn. Margaret however is nms but I can understand that other people like it.
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
~Mark Twain
~Mark Twain
Rose is my mn but I absolutely LOVE it as a fn so much so that I would have used it had it worked better with our surname which also has one syllable.
Margaret was the name of my mom. She went by Margie. She passed away last year and since then, I have wondered whether I should have included her name in the name of one of my three dds. I had thought about it before but just couldn't bring myself to do it. While I don't love Margaret, I adore Meg and Meggie. They're my favorite nns for Margaret. Re: Maggie, I want to like it but all I think about is maggot. I've also known Maggies who were teased.
Bottom line: I think Rose and Meg/Meggie would be somewhat distinctive and wonderfully old fashioned.
Margaret was the name of my mom. She went by Margie. She passed away last year and since then, I have wondered whether I should have included her name in the name of one of my three dds. I had thought about it before but just couldn't bring myself to do it. While I don't love Margaret, I adore Meg and Meggie. They're my favorite nns for Margaret. Re: Maggie, I want to like it but all I think about is maggot. I've also known Maggies who were teased.
Bottom line: I think Rose and Meg/Meggie would be somewhat distinctive and wonderfully old fashioned.
I actually don't know that many Margarets so I rather like the name... I know 2 of them - one who goes by Meg and the other goes by the full Margaret, which I think is very pretty. (so long as you don't change your mind and end up using Maggie! lol)
I know people really rip on the "popular" names here as well as "filler" mns (Rose, Marie, Leigh, Lynn, Elizabeth, etc... they're filler names because 1) they're pretty and 2) they go with pretty much any name - of course they're common!) but they're popular because most of them nice, pretty names.
Rose as a fn is rare these days and I would love to meet a Rose - it's beautiful.
Rose Margaret or Margaret Rose - both are nice!
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds - Half of writing history is hiding the truth.
- Serenity
I know people really rip on the "popular" names here as well as "filler" mns (Rose, Marie, Leigh, Lynn, Elizabeth, etc... they're filler names because 1) they're pretty and 2) they go with pretty much any name - of course they're common!) but they're popular because most of them nice, pretty names.
Rose as a fn is rare these days and I would love to meet a Rose - it's beautiful.
Rose Margaret or Margaret Rose - both are nice!
- Serenity
I really love both names, especially Margaret. My sister is named Margaret, but I don't use any of the nicknames. I think Margaret is beautiful enough on its own.
I would love to see Rose as a first name; I agree that it's gotten tiresome as a middle name, though. I feel the same way about Anne and Maria--I've had enough of them as middle names but still think they're pretty. I like Rosa, too, though if I picked one to use I'd probably take Rose. I think Rosie is a sweet nickname--almost sweet to the point of being annoyingly saccharine, but oh well. :-)
Margaret is cool, I think. I don't know if I necessarily consider it beautiful but it is strong and interesting and I like it very much. My favorite nicknames for it are Mamie and Greta, though I don't mind Meg. I don't care for Maggie or Meggie at all because they sound like names that people give their dogs. :-/
If you used them together in a combo I would love it. Rose Margaret would be beautiful.

Margaret is cool, I think. I don't know if I necessarily consider it beautiful but it is strong and interesting and I like it very much. My favorite nicknames for it are Mamie and Greta, though I don't mind Meg. I don't care for Maggie or Meggie at all because they sound like names that people give their dogs. :-/
If you used them together in a combo I would love it. Rose Margaret would be beautiful.
