[Surname] Pronunciation of O'Dovero
The subject line says it all--how does one pronounce O'Dovero? I'm fairly clueless about where the emphasis goes. It's a surname that pops up all over in the city I live in; there's an O'Dovero Street, O'Dovero Square, and so on. I'd like to know how I'm supposed to be saying it. :-)
Thanks for your help!
Thanks for your help!
This looks like a Spanish name that's been messed with. Isn't there a surname Odovero? If it's Spanish I assume the accent will be on the next-to-last syllable, as with sombrero. If someone's trying to pass it off as Irish they might expect it to be pronounced oh-dover-oh.
I agree
The O'Dovero spelling seems strange to me. If it comes from Spanish surname Odovero, then yes, the "ve" syllable would be stressed, as in sombrero.
The O'Dovero spelling seems strange to me. If it comes from Spanish surname Odovero, then yes, the "ve" syllable would be stressed, as in sombrero.