[Opinions] Please help!!! Considering using the middle name(s) for our twins. Is it a bad idea?
Please help a sleep-deprived, overly-obsessed mom!!! I've never posted on this board, but I'm hoping for some advice/opinions, particularly from people who have experience with being called by their middle name. Would you do this to your child, or do you think it's not worth the aggravation, even if it solves other naming issues? That's my short question. If you care to give some advice or comment on our potential name choices, read on (warning: LONG).
My situation is this: my identical twin girls are 5 weeks old but STILL don't have names. My husband and I have gone around and around in circles. We have 3 older children: a son Connor, and two daughters named Shannon and Kiara. Our last name is one syllable and begins with Z.
The four names at the top of our list are: Alana, Sienna, Fallon and Chloe. Each of these names has some drawbacks, and some initial combinations seem undesirable.
ALANA - I would not use as a middle name, since it's essentially the same name as Alaina, which I used as a middle name for my daughter Kiara. At the time, I thought I might never have another girl, and so used one of my favorite names for a middle name. I never dreamed that I would have TWO more girls. While I wouldn't be comfortable using the identical name for one of our twins, I am OK with the idea of using a variation (Alana) as a first name. I like that it would give a unique first initial, isn't trendy, has potential nicknames (Allie or Lana), and shares a similar background to the names of my older children. (My grandparents were all Scottish, but I prefer the sound of Irish and Welsh names - heck, at least it's the same part of the world). I don't particularly like the fact that it would be a second name with the "ah" ending, but most of my favorite names have that sound on the end... I am aware of how it looks spelled backwards.
Sienna - I LOVE the sound of this name, and I have favorable memories of the beautiful Italian city Siena. I'm not crazy about the fact that it's trendy and most people will associate the name with the color, the minivan or the actress, before the city. It also starts with the same letter as Shannon, ends with the same letter/sound as Kiara and doesn't have any obvious shortforms/nicknames (all negatives, in my opinion). But, as I said before, I LOVE the sound, and my husband prefers it to Alana.
Fallon - both my husband and I like the sound of this name - perhaps because of its similarity to Shannon, or maybe because the "lon" syllable sounds like the "lan" in the middle of Alana. I actually think Alana and Fallon make a nice set because of this connection. It also would give a unique initial. On the other hand, Fallon is a rare name that hasn't been popular since the '80s. and was apparently only popular then because of a character on Dynasty (a show I never watched). And some people seem to think of phallic or phallus, when they hear it??? My husband prefers this name to Alana.
Chloe - my husband's favorite name, but one that I have grown to dislike. I don't like the "cl" sound, the "w" sound (repeated in our last name), and the "ee" sound on the end. I don't mind the "ee" ending in a nickname, I just don't like it in a formal name. I also don't like that there are NO shortforms/nicknames for it (except negative ones like cloaca), and that it is VERY popular right now. I do not want to CALL either of my daughters by this name, but it would be nice for my husband if it was either a middle name, or a first name where the child was called by the middle name.
Whew... I know, WAY too much detail!!!
Here is what we are trying to decide between:
Alana Chloe and Sienna Fallon - called Alana and Fallon, a middle name
Alana Chloe and Fallon Sienna - called Alana and Fallon (avoids middle name but doesn't flow as well)
Alana Chloe and Sienna Fallon - called Alana and Sienna (a little similar for my taste, since I don't favor obvious twin names. Also, this would give THREE names ending with the "ah" sound, which seems over-the-top. Does avoid the middle name problem, though, and uses my two favorite individual names out of the four)
Alana Fallon and Chloe Sienna - called Fallon and Sienna (both middle names)
Alana Fallon and Sienna Chloe (gives the initials SCZ) - called Fallon and Sienna
Alana Fallon and Sienna Skye - called Fallon and Sienna
Fallon Taye and Sienna Skye - called Fallon and Sienna, and avoids the middle name problem, but doesn't incorporate either Alana or Chloe
If you're still with me, any comments, opinions? Since we can't seem to decide, and the days are ticking along, I would appreciate any help!!!
My situation is this: my identical twin girls are 5 weeks old but STILL don't have names. My husband and I have gone around and around in circles. We have 3 older children: a son Connor, and two daughters named Shannon and Kiara. Our last name is one syllable and begins with Z.
The four names at the top of our list are: Alana, Sienna, Fallon and Chloe. Each of these names has some drawbacks, and some initial combinations seem undesirable.
ALANA - I would not use as a middle name, since it's essentially the same name as Alaina, which I used as a middle name for my daughter Kiara. At the time, I thought I might never have another girl, and so used one of my favorite names for a middle name. I never dreamed that I would have TWO more girls. While I wouldn't be comfortable using the identical name for one of our twins, I am OK with the idea of using a variation (Alana) as a first name. I like that it would give a unique first initial, isn't trendy, has potential nicknames (Allie or Lana), and shares a similar background to the names of my older children. (My grandparents were all Scottish, but I prefer the sound of Irish and Welsh names - heck, at least it's the same part of the world). I don't particularly like the fact that it would be a second name with the "ah" ending, but most of my favorite names have that sound on the end... I am aware of how it looks spelled backwards.
Sienna - I LOVE the sound of this name, and I have favorable memories of the beautiful Italian city Siena. I'm not crazy about the fact that it's trendy and most people will associate the name with the color, the minivan or the actress, before the city. It also starts with the same letter as Shannon, ends with the same letter/sound as Kiara and doesn't have any obvious shortforms/nicknames (all negatives, in my opinion). But, as I said before, I LOVE the sound, and my husband prefers it to Alana.
Fallon - both my husband and I like the sound of this name - perhaps because of its similarity to Shannon, or maybe because the "lon" syllable sounds like the "lan" in the middle of Alana. I actually think Alana and Fallon make a nice set because of this connection. It also would give a unique initial. On the other hand, Fallon is a rare name that hasn't been popular since the '80s. and was apparently only popular then because of a character on Dynasty (a show I never watched). And some people seem to think of phallic or phallus, when they hear it??? My husband prefers this name to Alana.
Chloe - my husband's favorite name, but one that I have grown to dislike. I don't like the "cl" sound, the "w" sound (repeated in our last name), and the "ee" sound on the end. I don't mind the "ee" ending in a nickname, I just don't like it in a formal name. I also don't like that there are NO shortforms/nicknames for it (except negative ones like cloaca), and that it is VERY popular right now. I do not want to CALL either of my daughters by this name, but it would be nice for my husband if it was either a middle name, or a first name where the child was called by the middle name.
Whew... I know, WAY too much detail!!!
Here is what we are trying to decide between:
Alana Chloe and Sienna Fallon - called Alana and Fallon, a middle name
Alana Chloe and Fallon Sienna - called Alana and Fallon (avoids middle name but doesn't flow as well)
Alana Chloe and Sienna Fallon - called Alana and Sienna (a little similar for my taste, since I don't favor obvious twin names. Also, this would give THREE names ending with the "ah" sound, which seems over-the-top. Does avoid the middle name problem, though, and uses my two favorite individual names out of the four)
Alana Fallon and Chloe Sienna - called Fallon and Sienna (both middle names)
Alana Fallon and Sienna Chloe (gives the initials SCZ) - called Fallon and Sienna
Alana Fallon and Sienna Skye - called Fallon and Sienna
Fallon Taye and Sienna Skye - called Fallon and Sienna, and avoids the middle name problem, but doesn't incorporate either Alana or Chloe
If you're still with me, any comments, opinions? Since we can't seem to decide, and the days are ticking along, I would appreciate any help!!!
I go by my middle name. It is annoying at times (school, doctor's offices, credit cards, etc.) but it's a trivial type annoyance not a totally stress me out type of annoyance.
I personally like the name Siena (spell it after the city so you can say it is after the Italian city, not the color, actress, etc.).
Siena Skye is really pretty, I like alliteration.
I like Alana but don't like it with any of the names you have it paired with. Fallon doesn't sound like a girl's name to me & I can't stand the name Chloe.
Sorry I can't be of more help. If you haven't decided after five weeks then maybe you need to throw out these names and start from scratch with brand new ones.
I personally like the name Siena (spell it after the city so you can say it is after the Italian city, not the color, actress, etc.).
Siena Skye is really pretty, I like alliteration.
I like Alana but don't like it with any of the names you have it paired with. Fallon doesn't sound like a girl's name to me & I can't stand the name Chloe.
Sorry I can't be of more help. If you haven't decided after five weeks then maybe you need to throw out these names and start from scratch with brand new ones.
My name is Alicia Nicole, and I've gone by Nicole my entire life. I will say it is a hassle, but not a problem. I know there are many people that go by their middle names, and it is not rare, so people wouldn't think it was strange. All in all, I don't think my life would've been 'easier' if I went by my first name. I say if it solves your problems to have either one or both of your twins go by their middle names, go for it! Those babies need a name! Hope this helps,

All of your choices are actually really nice names. I would use whatever first name I was going to call the baby, instead of having the confusing firstname that isn't used. You would do well to choose any of your combos as they are all nice. I love Sienna and once a person meets Sienna she will association the child with the name instead of thinking, "That child is named a shade of brown."
If you spell Alana in the Irish way I'm used to - Alannah - you get out of the backward-spelling problem and acquire Ann or Annie as a possible nn as well as Allie.
And if you like Irish and don't much like Chloe, how about Clodagh? I knew a Clodagh once who was a wonderful person and had no trouble with it at all.
My husband has been known by his middle name all his life, which is pretty merciful seeing that his fn is Ernest. It's never been a bother. Same with my cousin Robin, whose initials spell ART instead of RAT!
And if you like Irish and don't much like Chloe, how about Clodagh? I knew a Clodagh once who was a wonderful person and had no trouble with it at all.
My husband has been known by his middle name all his life, which is pretty merciful seeing that his fn is Ernest. It's never been a bother. Same with my cousin Robin, whose initials spell ART instead of RAT!
Congratulations! And well done with choosing the names for your older children, they are all lovely.
If I had to choose from the listed names, I would go with Sienna Fallon and Chloe Skye. I love Sienna, but Chloe isn't a favourite. I really dislike Alana, and Fallon just doesn't sound right as a first name to me.
I think Sienna fits really nicely with your other children's nams - how about something like Sienna Fallon and Skye Chloe? Or maybe Sienna Chloe and something quite different, like Ariana, Phoebe, Sydney, Hope, Georgia, Daria, Eve/Eva/Evelyn, June, Zara, Amber?...
Hope I haven't confused you even more by giving you more names to consider! Good luck :-)

If I had to choose from the listed names, I would go with Sienna Fallon and Chloe Skye. I love Sienna, but Chloe isn't a favourite. I really dislike Alana, and Fallon just doesn't sound right as a first name to me.
I think Sienna fits really nicely with your other children's nams - how about something like Sienna Fallon and Skye Chloe? Or maybe Sienna Chloe and something quite different, like Ariana, Phoebe, Sydney, Hope, Georgia, Daria, Eve/Eva/Evelyn, June, Zara, Amber?...
Hope I haven't confused you even more by giving you more names to consider! Good luck :-)

Alana Chloe and Fallon Sienna seem fine to me. How about Alana Skye and Sienna Chloe? I don't think that it would be a big deal if your daughers' names all ended with the "ah" sound. The initials SCZ don't seem like a problem to me. I don't think that people would think much of it or anything at all for that matter.
I love all 4 names but my favorite would have to be Alana Fallon and Sienna Chloe. I don't think that you should call Alana, Fallon, because i adore the name Alana. I hope that my opinion helped! :)
Wow, I can't believe that they are 5 weeks old & no names yet. What have you been calling them? Personally, you already have 3 kids, and now twins. I would name one baby & let your husband name the other, and each live with one another's choices & be done with it. Chloe & Sienna- lovely!! Call them by their first names- less problems. Congratulations & good luck!
Would you believe Baby A and Baby B? Honestly, they're so identical, that most of the time I'm not even sure which one I'm holding, since I don't have enough clothing to always keep them dressed differently (you have to put them side-by-side and compare minute differences in the ears). So, it's easier to simply call them "sweetie", "love-bug", etc. I'm sure that's part of why we've taken so long to finalize their names.
No dont believe it.
Alana Chloe and Fallon Sienna - called Alana and Fallon (avoids middle name but doesn't flow as well)
I LIKE THIS ONE. Keep it simple.
I LIKE THIS ONE. Keep it simple.
Sienna Fallon and Chloe Alana- for sure. Chloe is sweet, elegant and universal (europeans use it too) Same with Sienna. I travel a lot so I think of these things- it makes a difference. Alana and Fallon are hard on the tongue as first names.