[Opinions] italian twin names
Those are way too similar imo.
Um, no . . .
Fiorella means "little flower" in Italian (it's a word) and Flora means "flora" in Italian (as opposed to "flower", which is Fiore; flower and flora are two different things).
Flora and Little Flower is a trite and too twinny sibling set, although not as bad as Flower and Little Flower would be! And I feel that Fiorella and Flora are just too similar as twin names.
What about Flora & Anthea or Flora & Zahrah (Zara) instead?
♦ Chrisell ♦
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
Fiorella means "little flower" in Italian (it's a word) and Flora means "flora" in Italian (as opposed to "flower", which is Fiore; flower and flora are two different things).
Flora and Little Flower is a trite and too twinny sibling set, although not as bad as Flower and Little Flower would be! And I feel that Fiorella and Flora are just too similar as twin names.
What about Flora & Anthea or Flora & Zahrah (Zara) instead?
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
Not to mention that they just sound so darn similiar. Its way too cutsey for my tastes.
~ Arcadia ~

Not to mention that they just sound so darn similiar. Its way too cutsey for my tastes.

I think they're too similar. I think they're both nice enough individually, but not really as a sib set.