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[Facts] Meaning of African name Nyamko?
Our new minister of integration and equality is named Nyamko Sabuni. She was born in Burundi but her father was a political refugee from Kongo-Kinshasa (Zaire).The name is pronounced "Nuy-UMkaw", at least in Sweden.
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Traditional African Names by Jonathan Musere includes many Hutu or Tutsi names that begin with Nya-, but unfortunately Nyamko is not one of them. The closest to it is Nyambo, which is said to mean "royal cow."
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Thank youNyamko probably means "royal" something then.
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Have you tried contacting her and asking the meaning of her name, try the following link:
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I would not want to trouble her with such a frivolous matter. If I ever wrote to a minister, it would be about something political.
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