[Opinions] Antonia...
I say ann-TONE-ee-ah
ann-toe-NEE-ah might grow on me, but right now it sounds so wrong that I can't form an opinion.
I'm unable to say an-TO-nyah...I can't get my tongue around the "nyah" sound.
ann-toe-NEE-ah might grow on me, but right now it sounds so wrong that I can't form an opinion.
I'm unable to say an-TO-nyah...I can't get my tongue around the "nyah" sound.
An-to-NEE-ah. I have a wonderful friend by that name. :)
I love it. I pronounce it ahn-TOH-nyah.
I think an-toe-NEE-ah is prettiest.
Maybe I made that way up?
Maybe I made that way up?
would be how I say it. My mom's family is Italian (my late grandfather was from Italy) so the most I've ever heard anyone saying it has been in reference to distant Italian relatives.
I like it a lot--it's one of my very favorites, particularly in the combo Elizabeth Antonia or Antonia Elizabeth. I think it's a beautiful name, a bit less common but not so obscure that it sounds like a forced effort at being interesting. I can't say I like any nicknames for it, though, especially Toni.

would be how I say it. My mom's family is Italian (my late grandfather was from Italy) so the most I've ever heard anyone saying it has been in reference to distant Italian relatives.
I like it a lot--it's one of my very favorites, particularly in the combo Elizabeth Antonia or Antonia Elizabeth. I think it's a beautiful name, a bit less common but not so obscure that it sounds like a forced effort at being interesting. I can't say I like any nicknames for it, though, especially Toni.

Ditto this prn. I don't care for the others.

It's my best friend's name, but she's always known as Toni. I personally love her full name, but she doesn't. We pronounce it an-TON-ee-a.
I like
where you sleep
when you sleep next to me.
I like
where you sleep
when you sleep next to me.