[Games] Re: Congrats Game Round 1
in reply to a message by Tai Angel
Username: X Mar
LN: Angelov
DH: Roman Casimir
DW: Sora Juliet
DD,DD,DD,DS: Nola Victoria, Scarlett Nicole, Natalie Keeva, Deacon Alex
We were very very surprised to find out we were having quads. We got three girls and one boy. We had decided not to fnd out the sex of the babies before and Roman admitted he was getting really worried after the first three girls, becuase he really wanted a boy. He was very relieved to find out he had a son as well. HE adores the girls too of course. The babies are doing relatively well. They struggled in the very beginning, but accoring to the doctor that's normal for quads, because they can never make it to the full nine months of pregnancy. Right now they're all home, and keepng us very busy! Roman has taken a long break from work to help out, but he'll be going back to work before long. I'm afraid I can't handle the house work then, so two days a week my sister will help out, two days a week Roman's sister will help out and one day I have my mother over to help me. Roman will be there in the weekends. I guess we won't have a lot of time for ourselves the next couple of months (or years...).

LN: Angelov
DH: Roman Casimir
DW: Sora Juliet
DD,DD,DD,DS: Nola Victoria, Scarlett Nicole, Natalie Keeva, Deacon Alex
We were very very surprised to find out we were having quads. We got three girls and one boy. We had decided not to fnd out the sex of the babies before and Roman admitted he was getting really worried after the first three girls, becuase he really wanted a boy. He was very relieved to find out he had a son as well. HE adores the girls too of course. The babies are doing relatively well. They struggled in the very beginning, but accoring to the doctor that's normal for quads, because they can never make it to the full nine months of pregnancy. Right now they're all home, and keepng us very busy! Roman has taken a long break from work to help out, but he'll be going back to work before long. I'm afraid I can't handle the house work then, so two days a week my sister will help out, two days a week Roman's sister will help out and one day I have my mother over to help me. Roman will be there in the weekends. I guess we won't have a lot of time for ourselves the next couple of months (or years...).