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[Facts] More on the Goddess Nanaea
The following is pinched from
na-ne’-a (Nanaia; the King James Version Nanea): A female deity worshipped by the Assyrians, Babylonians and Persians and other Asiatic peoples, the Nana or Nanai of the Babylonians, known as "the lady of Babylon." The name means "the undefiled," and probably represented originally the productive powers of Nature (genetrix), and as such was the companion of the sun-god. She was identified with Ishtar in Assyria and Ashtoreth in Phoenicia, by the Greeks as Aphrodite (Clement of Alexandria Protr., 19), but sometimes as Artemis the huntress (Paus. iii.16,8; Plut. Artax. xxvii). Strabo (xv. 733) identifies her with Anaitis (equalsAnahita), the Asian Artemis. She was the Venus, but sometimes the Diana, of the Romans. There are many variants of the name: Anaea (Strabo xvi.738), Aneitis (Plut. Artax. xxvii), Tanais (Clement of Alexandria, loc. cit.), also Tanath, sometimes in Phoenician inscriptions, Tanata, Anta (Egyptian). In 2 Macc 1:13 ff, a fictitious account is given of the death of Antiochus Epiphanes, in a temple of Nanaea in Persia, by the treachery of Nanaea’s priests. The public treasury was often placed in Nanaea’s temple; this, Epiphanes was anxious to secure under the pretext of marrying the goddess and receiving the money as dowry. The priests threw down great stones "like thunderbolts" from above, killed the king and his state and then cut off their heads. But 1 Macc 1 ff, which is more reliable, gives a different account of the death of Epiphanes after an attempt to rob a rich temple in Elymais. The account of 2 Macc 1:13 ff must be mere legend, as far as Epiphanes is concerned, but may have been suggested or colored by the story of the death of Antiochus the Great, who met his death while plundering a temple of Belus near Elymais (Strabo xvi.l.18; Diod. Sic. 573; Justin, xxxii.2). The temple of Nanaea referred to in 2 Macc 1:13 ff may be identified with that of Artemis (Polyb. xxxi.11; Josephus, Ant, XII, ix, 1) or Aphrodite (Appian, Syriac. 66; Rawlinson, Speaker’s Comm.).
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Yep lets always mention the Roman Goddess Diana :) Isnt that weird that the Goddess Nanaea is basically identified with almost every popular goddess???
Gia A.K.A Goddess Diana LOL :)
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Yeah, yeah, yeah, well Sarah means Princess. Can you please address me as Princess Sarah from now on?? :P:PPP
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Anagram: "Sarahjeanne" = "She, Nanaea Jr." :)
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LOL! I love it!!! ;); )
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I think that makes you "The Sorceress's Apprentice" :)
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Very cool!!! :)Thanks, Pavlos! This is the *best* bit of info on the goddess Nanaea that you (or I or anyone) has yet found! So, my name does have a meaning after all? "The Undefiled"? Cool! Sounds like a great title for an old Hammer Horror flick! :)You've got to let Mike C. know this, coz then he can put the meaning of my name on his site. Right now, it says "meaning unknown". :(I'm printing this up 'n' *keepin'* it! :)-- Nanaea
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"LOL! LOL! LOL! n/t n/t n/t" (but see below)(The subject line is irrelevant, but it's mostly what gets posted on here of late. A lethal strain of "Haggisbuttis horribilis" has invaded this site. Pity.)
"The Undefiled"? Puh-leeze!! Sounds like an Italian Clint Eastwood movie...(which would actually make it pretty cool).
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"Remarks are not literature." -- Gertrude Stein to Hemingway, ca. 1922Yer point being? Nowhere did I exempt meself from at least partial blame for the problem! It just seemed like we could ALL do a better job of squelching this unfortunate trend.Substance of postings (and delicacy of language) is all that separates this lot from the Yahoo! News Message Boards...
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"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the best of men." -- Anonymous
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The saying "A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men" was first published in willy wonka and the chocolate factory leading me to believe it was created by the author
vote up1vote down point being that I have become a habitue at BTNBB because -- besides my love for etymology -- I enjoy interacting with intelligent and witty people (including yourself, old fart) without taking myself or this board too seriously. I am not here to squelch any disturbing phenomena :P
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Good Gawd! I think we all caught it from Daividh!! ROTFLMAOWTIME!-- Nanaea
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GuysIs there a vaccine against this? Is it too late and we have to wait it out, like a bad cold or another virus? Can anybody answer me?Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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"(The subject line is irrelevant, but it's mostly what gets posted on here of late. A lethal strain of "Haggisbuttis horribilis" has invaded this site. Pity.)"****** Oooo, are we in a cranky mood today, Davidh? :) Actually, It think the "n/t" thingie is a great innovation over here. It sure saves a lot of time over opening up postings that consist of a single line -- or just a "LOL!""'The Undefiled'? Puh-leeze!! Sounds like an Italian Clint Eastwood movie...(which would actually make it pretty cool)."****** Clint Eastwood movies work for me, too. :)-- Nanaea
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My pleasure :)
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