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"King Lear"King Lear m "King Lear"
Gonoril f "King Lear"
Regan f "King Lear"
Cordelia f "King Lear"
Caius m "King Lear" The Earl of Kent in disguise
Edgar m "King Lear"
Tom o' Bedlam m "King Lear" Edgar in disguise
Edmund m "King Lear"
Curan m "King Lear"
Oswald m "King Lear""Macbeth"King Duncan m "Macbeth"
Malcolm m "Macbeth"
Donalbain m "Macbeth"
Macbeth m "Macbeth"
Seyton m "Macbeth"
Lady Macbeth f "Macbeth"
Banquo m "Macbeth"
Fleance m "Macbeth"
Macduff m "Macbeth"
Lady Macduff m "Macbeth"
Lennox m "Macbeth"
Ross m "Macbeth"
Angus m "Macbeth"
Caithness m "Macbeth"
Menteith m "Macbeth"
Earl Siward m "Macbeth"
Young Siward m "Macbeth"
Hecate f "Macbeth""Antony and Cleopatra"Mark Antony m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Demetrius m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Philo m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Domitius Enobarbus m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Ventidius m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Silius m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Eros m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Camidius m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Scarus m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Decretas m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Octavius Caesar m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Octavia f "Antony and Cleopatra"
Maecenas m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Agrippa m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Taurus m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Dolabella m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Thidias m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Gallus m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Proculeius m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Lepidus m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Sextus Pompey m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Menecrates m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Menas m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Varrius m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Cleopatra f "Antony and Cleopatra"
Charmian f "Antony and Cleopatra"
Iras f "Antony and Cleopatra"
Alexas f "Antony and Cleopatra"
Mardian m "Antony and Cleopatra"
Diomed f "Antony and Cleopatra"
Seleucus m "Antony and Cleopatra""Coriolanus"Caius Martius m "Coriolanus" Also surnamed Coriolanus
Menenius Agrippa m "Coriolanus"
Titus Lartius m "Coriolanus"
Cominius m "Coriolanus"
Volumnia f "Coriolanus"
Virgilia f "Coriolanus"
Young Martius m "Coriolanus"
Valeria f "Coriolanus"
Sicinius Velutus m "Coriolanus"
Junius Brutus m "Coriolanus"
Tullus Aufidius m "Coriolanus"
Adrian m "Coriolanus"
Nicanor m "Coriolanus""The Winter's Tale"King Leontes m "The Winter's Tale"
Hermione f "The Winter's Tale"
Mamillius m "The Winter's Tale"
Perdita f "The Winter's Tale"
Camillo m "The Winter's Tale"
Antigonus m "The Winter's Tale"
Cleomenes m "The Winter's Tale"
Dion m "The Winter's Tale"
Paulina f "The Winter's Tale"
Emilia f "The Winter's Tale"
King Polixenes m "The Winter's Tale"
Florizel m "The Winter's Tale" aka Doricles
Archidamus m "The Winter's Tale"
Autolycus m "The Winter's Tale"
Clown m "The Winter's Tale"
Mopsa f "The Winter's Tale"
Dorcas f "The Winter's Tale"
Time ? "The Winter's Tale""Cymbeline"King Cymbeline m "Cymbeline"
Princess Innogen f "Cymbeline"
Fidele m "Cymbeline" Princess Innogen in disguise
Guiderius m "Cymbeline" aka Polydore
Arviragus m "Cymbeline" aka Cadwal
Lord Cloten m "Cymbeline"
Belarius m "Cymbeline" aka Morgan
Cornelius m "Cymbeline"
Helen f "Cymbeline"
Posthumus Leonatus m "Cymbeline"
Pisanio m "Cymbeline"
Filario m "Cymbeline"
Giacomo m "Cymbeline"
Caius Lucius m "Cymbeline"
Philharmonus m "Cymbeline"
Jupiter m "Cymbeline"
Sicilius Leonatus m "Cymbeline" A ghost"The Tempest"Prospero m "The Tempest"
Miranda f "The Tempest"
Antonio m "The Tempest"
King Alonso m "The Tempest"
Sebastian m "The Tempest"
Ferdinand m "The Tempest"
Gonzalo m "The Tempest"
Adrian m "The Tempest"
Francisco m "The Tempest"
Ariel m "The Tempest"
Caliban m "The Tempest"
Trinculo m "The Tempest"
Stefano m "The Tempest"
Iris f "The Tempest"
Ceres f "The Tempest"
Juno f "The Tempest""All is true (Henry VIII)"Prologue ? "All is true (Henry VIII)"
King Henry VIII m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Lord Abergavenny m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Lord Chamberlain m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Lord Chancellor m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Lord Sands m "All is true (Henry VIII)" aka Sir William Sands
Sir Thomas Lovell m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Sir Anthony Denny m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Sir Henry Guildford m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Cardinal Wolsey m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Cardinal Campeius m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Gardiner m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Thomas Cromwell m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Cranmer m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Queen Katherine f "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Griffith m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Patience f "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Lord Caputius m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Anne Boleyn f "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Brandon m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Sir Nicholas Vaux m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Marquis Dorset m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Bishop Stokesley m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Doctor Butts m "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Princess Elizabeth f "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Marchioness Dorset f "All is true (Henry VIII)"
Epilogue ? "All is true (Henry VIII)"
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