[Opinions] Sounds like acne to me...nt
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Ackley  ·  Amanda  ·  10/3/2004, 10:29 PM
It's just so........ ACK!  ·  Crystal  ·  10/4/2004, 10:10 AM
Catcher in the Rye...but it was even his last name!! nt  ·  hannah  ·  10/4/2004, 8:59 AM
Sounds like acne to me...nt  ·  Kai  ·  10/4/2004, 8:57 AM
Re: Ackley  ·  Elsa  ·  10/4/2004, 8:45 AM
Prefer Ackerly nt  ·  Diana  ·  10/4/2004, 8:18 AM
prefer Ackerley. :) nt  ·  reyanna  ·  10/4/2004, 7:15 AM
Re: Ackley  ·  bex  ·  10/4/2004, 1:18 AM
I don't like it because . . .  ·  Chrisell  ·  10/3/2004, 10:38 PM