[Facts] Orgin of Daughter's name
I gave birth to a healthy baby girl on March 27, 2001. I was looking at the Oprah show and there was a girl on the with the name Samya. I named my daughter, the same but spelled different Sa Mya. Can anyone tell what does her name mean and what's the orgin of it.
Any help will mean alot
I gave birth to a healthy baby girl on March 27, 2001. I was looking at the Oprah show and there was a girl on the with the name Samya. I named my daughter, the same but spelled different Sa Mya. Can anyone tell what does her name mean and what's the orgin of it.
Any help will mean alot
Ya could always tell people it's a Burmese name. That's what it sounds and looks like with the spelling you've used. Say it means "fragrant blossom" or something. Hey, how many Burmese have ya run across in the last ten years? Ther's no one around to refute you.
I believe that Samia is Lebanese/Arabic meaning 'elevated, sublime'
Cool name. But would that be the same as "Sa Mya"?
It is probably the same as Samya...Sa Mya, who knows?
Oh, I get it now...
Upon re-reading the posting, I realize now that she must've named her daughter *after* hearing that name on Oprah. I'd somehow gotten the impression that she'd come up with the name first, and then happened to see someone on Oprah with a similar-sounding name.
-- Nanaea
Upon re-reading the posting, I realize now that she must've named her daughter *after* hearing that name on Oprah. I'd somehow gotten the impression that she'd come up with the name first, and then happened to see someone on Oprah with a similar-sounding name.
-- Nanaea
You could start by giving us a hint as to where you first heard that name, or saw it written, or whatever. You didn't just dream it up, did you? If you did dream it up, then how could anyone but yourself possibly know what it means?
-- Nanaea
-- Nanaea